Be grateful to have this job at a time when so many are unemployed!

Earth to idiot...Brilinta has a good chance of never being approved. Never! Hospital and Onc are in the crosshairs. By the time it gets approved, if ever, there will likely be a generic Plavix in the market. $4 Lipitor, it will all but wipe out Crestor, and without that revenue, we are all gone.

Our greatest problem these last few years has been incredibly out of touch leadership that were too damn scared to actually try and sell drugs. We have been handcuffed for years because of these fools. We have spent money on totally useless shit like TSi and countless other crap. Somebody tell me how the "SSLT" keep their jobs with a track record as bad as theirs?? HOW!

It is astounding that they do. The only answer is that they are doing what their higher ups want. There's no way anyone except the board can fire the president, and the president hires the compensation committees that recommend the board's pay.

If the shareholders all voted against current management, they'd "take it under advisement."

Yes be very grateful. In Q1 the right side is going to go through some very rough times.

For everyone else. If you struggle with change or being a team player you might as well start looking.

HQ is already culled the brand teams and soon it will be out here. If you aren't bringing value and being a team player the company is going to send you off. No plan, no try to fix you. They are moving you out. You are overpaid and too entitled and trust me there are 100 other people at least who will do your job with no complaints for 20k less than you and never gripe that they had to work 8 hours a day.

I'm sorry to say but if you thought 2010 was tough, you are about get find out that was nothing. Get ready to get laid out if you aren't towing the line and bringing your all.

Bottom line, AZ has us all by the balls. fight it and be castrated!

I am grateful.. to have left AZ. For most of 15 years at AZ, I was treated with some respect and I was clinical selling with good results. Then I was treated like garbage and left. Only if you are being treated as a worthy employee (even if you are the doing the kool aid dance) can you be grateful. And blind to how others are being treated. And I was never a spoiled whiney ass.

I am grateful.. to have left AZ. For most of 15 years at AZ, I was treated with some respect and I was clinical selling with good results. Then I was treated like garbage and left. Only if you are being treated as a worthy employee (even if you are the doing the kool aid dance) can you be grateful. And blind to how others are being treated. And I was never a spoiled whiney ass.

I'll bet you were uncoachable and your sales sucked ass. Hence your worthless ass was canned. Own it loser. The world does not owe you a corporate welfare check just because you managed to work the system and hang on for years. You goofed off for years and finally sometime caught on to you and got rid of your lazy ass. You are not a victim just a entitlement thinking ass.

Yes be very grateful. In Q1 the right side is going to go through some very rough times.

For everyone else. If you struggle with change or being a team player you might as well start looking.

HQ is already culled the brand teams and soon it will be out here. If you aren't bringing value and being a team player the company is going to send you off. No plan, no try to fix you. They are moving you out. You are overpaid and too entitled and trust me there are 100 other people at least who will do your job with no complaints for 20k less than you and never gripe that they had to work 8 hours a day.

I'm sorry to say but if you thought 2010 was tough, you are about get find out that was nothing. Get ready to get laid out if you aren't towing the line and bringing your all.

Bottom line, AZ has us all by the balls. fight it and be castrated!

Yes, and this is the kind of "management philosophy" will only further to speed AZ's demise. Instead of a positive environment, AZ will foster an environment based on fear, which will produce results, but not as good as they could be. They will then consult a consultant who will tell them what to do. Another common mistake at AZ.

No, the snow ball is rolling downhill and can't be stopped or slowed. Everything is in motion. You can sit around and be in denial all you want, but come 2011, you will grow to regret your complacency. You had better get up off the couch and update your resume and start networking yourself into another career.

Thank you AZ -- RSDs, DSMs and PSSs for all of the hard work and dedication in 2010!

Lets all say a prayer at this holiday season for approvals and blessing to all of our products being reviewed and for NO layoffs in 2011.

Its a HARD world -- with little to NO opportunity for laid off pharmaceutical sales reps. Be grateful and enjoy your opportunity to work for AZ - a company with great medications that HELP people!!!

Dont forget that - when you complain or write hurtful words to your coworkers!

Happy Hoildays AZ and thank you!!

You have to let them know who you are or all that shit eating at the butthole of AZ will go to waste.

I'll bet you were uncoachable and your sales sucked ass. Hence your worthless ass was canned. Own it loser. The world does not owe you a corporate welfare check just because you managed to work the system and hang on for years. You goofed off for years and finally sometime caught on to you and got rid of your lazy ass. You are not a victim just a entitlement thinking ass.

You're day will come, as will AZ's. The only people with anything positive to write about this POS company are a-holes like you... keep it up! Show the world the positive side of AZ.

You're day will come, as will AZ's. The only people with anything positive to write about this POS company are a-holes like you... keep it up! Show the world the positive side of AZ.

Why blame your personal depressions on a company that has been here for years developing great medications that have helped billions of people? Most people want to think negative - about how we will all be fired soon.

If the same amount of energy was spent trying to help others vs. dreaming of who will be next - all of the angry PSSs would see that they have a special gift -- and be grateful for AZ now.

Start fresh

Why blame your personal depressions on a company that has been here for years developing great medications that have helped billions of people? Most people want to think negative - about how we will all be fired soon.

If the same amount of energy was spent trying to help others vs. dreaming of who will be next - all of the angry PSSs would see that they have a special gift -- and be grateful for AZ now.

Start fresh

Sounds good, but try naming one drug that AZ has developed. AZ hasn't been here for many years, either. since Astra and Zeneca merged, the combined entity has not developed a single new drug. The ship will break into a few pieces and sink.

Thank you AZ -- RSDs, DSMs and PSSs for all of the hard work and dedication in 2010!

Lets all say a prayer at this holiday season for approvals and blessing to all of our products being reviewed and for NO layoffs in 2011.

Its a HARD world -- with little to NO opportunity for laid off pharmaceutical sales reps. Be grateful and enjoy your opportunity to work for AZ - a company with great medications that HELP people!!!

Dont forget that - when you complain or write hurtful words to your coworkers!

Happy Hoildays AZ and thank you!!

Happy Holidays, my fat white ass. Unless you are joking it's that attitude that is encouraging your so called leaders to butt-fuck you even more. Oh please don't can my precious job, and boring company repmobile, boo fucking hoo.

Have some self respect and stand up to some of the dicks running the show. You might even be able to look in the mirror once more.

Happy Holidays, my fat white ass. Unless you are joking it's that attitude that is encouraging your so called leaders to butt-fuck you even more. Oh please don't can my precious job, and boring company repmobile, boo fucking hoo.

Have some self respect and stand up to some of the dicks running the show. You might even be able to look in the mirror once more.

What are they doing to me?

Allowing a father to have a great job while taking care of his family and give me a car!?

No one has handcuffs on.

If you hate AZ so much -- leave!! You will find that the grass is not greenier - in fact its all dirt in the unemployment world!!

Happy New Year and try to remember how lucky you are - one day you will wish you had a career like you do now at AZ.

Love my job at AZ and have had a great experience. Why you ask? Simple, I have achieved great performance and FSIP payouts since the beginning. Those that are complaining are either in the hot seat for poor performance or were fired. Either way, it's what you make of it, like any other job.

Love my job at AZ and have had a great experience. Why you ask? Simple, I have achieved great performance and FSIP payouts since the beginning. Those that are complaining are either in the hot seat for poor performance or were fired. Either way, it's what you make of it, like any other job.

Difficult times don't develop character, they reveal it. Another way of saying that is that it's only when the tide goes out do we see who's swimming naked.

Plenty of people at AZ are of fine character. Many are not. IMO, the self aggrandizing "leadership" here are mostly those of flagrantly weak character -- the interviewing "STAR" protocol selects for the weak of character, not the opposite, as it should. Character counts. We're seeing the result of bad leadership decisions now that the tide is low.

Look there are sheeple everywhere. AZ isn't a job, it's a sentence. Go out find something kill it and drag it home. AZ is a ball and chain around your neck, get out at all costs. If you don't have a "Plan B" you're an idiot.

Love my job at AZ and have had a great experience. Why you ask? Simple, I have achieved great performance and FSIP payouts since the beginning. Those that are complaining are either in the hot seat for poor performance or were fired. Either way, it's what you make of it, like any other job.

Couldn't agree more. This job and any other job in corporate is what you make of it. By telling someone "have respect for yourself and quit this job", you are showing true immaturity. I get paid to do this job. I do it to the best of my ability because I have enough respect for myself to do so. I have no control over what leadership may or may not do. Nor do I have any say in it. I have agreed to play by these rules and, again, get paid to carry out my responsibilites as an employee. This is my choice. Personally, I like my job and would like to continue to work at AZ. But I'm not naive enough to think cuts wont happen and have a plan B. I am NOT a cool-aid drinker, just someone who believes in what I do. When someone bashes this job, they no longer believe in it. These are the ones who have no respect for themselves to look elsewhere for employement. So they come on here and spew their own bitterness, insecurities and immaturity. I know there are some who wont agree with this and thats fine. That is their choice. Good luck in 2011.

Love my job at AZ and have had a great experience. Why you ask? Simple, I have achieved great performance and FSIP payouts since the beginning. Those that are complaining are either in the hot seat for poor performance or were fired. Either way, it's what you make of it, like any other job.

Hogwash. With the way FSIP goals are set, it is impossible to be on top year after year. More likely, you are middle of the pack and occassionally get lucky with good quarter.

What are they doing to me?

Allowing a father to have a great job while taking care of his family and give me a car!?

No one has handcuffs on.

If you hate AZ so much -- leave!! You will find that the grass is not greenier - in fact its all dirt in the unemployment world!!

Happy New Year and try to remember how lucky you are - one day you will wish you had a career like you do now at AZ.

I've been around long enough to see several generations of the company's history. Its highs and its lows. Sadly more of the latter over recent years.

I've seen what was a genuine 2 way relationship between workers and the company (i.e. the management) deteriorate from a time where it was a given that you committed yourself as needed, and in return that was rewarded with recognition, and opportunities. Been there, done that, successfully.

Latterly it seems to be a company expectation that the grunts bust a gut, above and beyond duty, merely to ensure an ongoing presence in the latest org-chart, waiting for the inevitable re-org that pushes them out the door - in favour of someone that will prostitute themselves at any opportunity, whilst delivering nothing more than vacuous smiles and nods of support to dumbass changes delivered from above. Oh and that's whilst AZ attempts to erode contractual legacy pension agreements. Nice.

Shame on the management that are beating individualism from the workforce, using fear to leverage their goals of rationalisation. Even more shame on those that have allowed this to happen at the cost of losing ther own individualism.

Comparing AZ to the rest of the "employment world" is all well and good, and I don't disagree with what it is like at other large companies - the difference is the 2 faced hypocrisy of AZ when it comes to "people". AZ still paints itself as that employer where the worker/company relationship is "special". Not so. For anyone that has been with the company since pre-merger times, you will know that to be true.

As for me, thanks for the tip - but I got the hell out of an environment where common sense rarely prevailed. AZ's loss, my gain - thankyou very much, and as a result I do look forward to a Happy New Year.

I just wish I felt assured that remaining colleagues had a more optimistic future....

Very senior rep here. I, for one, am grateful to have a job. But, I think you can boil down the problems the rank and file have with AZ down to one main thing, incompetence.

2011 will be our worst year yet. AZ is in a bad situation. The environment they are responsible for, has created a sales force that's disengaged because of compliance rules, micromanagement, metrics obsession, inaccurate sales #'s, and fear. They simply do not know how to lead. Worst yet, they never admit to mistakes, and in fact, make the same ones year after year. Yes, gross incompetence will be the undoing of AZ.

The course is set for AZ for years to come. It will take something dramatic for AZ to self correct. Yes, 2011 will go down as the most "interesting" year since the merger.

Good luck to all of you.

Love my job at AZ and have had a great experience. Why you ask? Simple, I have achieved great performance and FSIP payouts since the beginning. Those that are complaining are either in the hot seat for poor performance or were fired. Either way, it's what you make of it, like any other job.

Finally, someone who believes in what they do!!

Could this be a positive quote on Cafepharma about AstraZeneca?

It's great to see someone who appreciates a great FSIP and the many other rewards Astra Zeneca have given out!

Its not luck that you have done well - its your positive attitude - maybe it will be catchy and we can all save AZ with our sales achievements in 2011!!