There is no team here. There is one solid performer that resides in Indy. Everyone else should be dismissed. Althought for some reason I see the useless joke of a manager and the deepthroat queen living happily ever after.

Brilliant strategy, scan Cafepharma for investment guidance. Please let me know who you work for so I don't invest with you. I have 1 BS degree none of your debt and make a lot more money. Glad you feel so superior to those without a college degree. By the way a quick search shows that you must be absolutely killing it. Congrats on your 20K raise with 2.5 degrees

Average Salary
Biotechnology analysts and other scientific and technical management analysts earned an average annual salary of $98,500 per year in 2010, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This salary was significantly higher than the $87,260 earned by all other management analysts nationwide. The bureau indicates that these scientific analysts were the most numerous group of management analysts employed in the United States in 2010.

Hey DOLT HEAD, I am Baaacckkk....Well you have it wrong. The Key word is average. I manage that is right Manage a Fund!! so last year my salary was 105k, but my bonus was 1.62 million ok, beat that dumb ass!!

WOW I cower in your presence, that last post was very intimidating. You said you were an analyst so I just did a quick search. Sorry to insult you. You still scan these boards for investment advice which is very sad. CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME WHO YOU WORK FOR so I don't invest with you. Who was your BDE? What state did you work?

There is no team here. There is one solid performer that resides in Indy. Everyone else should be dismissed. Althought for some reason I see the useless joke of a manager and the deepthroat queen living happily ever after.

This is so disgraceful. What 2 consenting adults decide to do is there business. What you should be bitching about is the HUGE disparity between what a bde makes at plan and what a sme/tm makes at 100% to plan. It's the sme/tm doing all the friggin work not the bde seating on their hands waiting for a lead.

WOW I cower in your presence, that last post was very intimidating. You said you were an analyst so I just did a quick search. Sorry to insult you. You still scan these boards for investment advice which is very sad. CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME WHO YOU WORK FOR so I don't invest with you. Who was your BDE? What state did you work?

Ok, listen you!!

I do not get advise from these boards. However, if Reps are not happy and techs are not happy then it gives me an idea as to the company culture. When a company stands up and says "We have the Highest retention rate of Sales People in the industry" and all people do is complain, then wala...I know the truth.

For example when the US Labs reps were chating about the impending raised a red flag!! And guess what they were correct.

As to where and who I worked for it was XXXXX in XXXX, from XX-XX/20XX

They will never do away with this position. Who will claim credit for your hard work? Who will jump in at the last minute and contribute nothing? Where will they put the "team"? They just plain old bring to much value.