GG never had this position. WHY? Because we didn't NEED it. The GG reps are competent enough to "develop business", close deals, service and upsell. I understand Lab Corp has a rep for each of these skills and pay a total of what the GG rep makes. Again and I've said it before, they all should have been RIFED along with their leaders.

GG reps AREN'T sales oriented and can't deliver on what the competition is peddling currently. They only focus on the details of individual tests. Do you think docs nowadays want to hear about how you run your Lynch Syndrome panel compared to other labs OR how to put money in their pockets?!?! Business Development (ie. thinking out of the box, being creative, building a better mouse trap, using leverage) is more important today than ever before. Your strategy and techniques are obsolete. Like the rest of the GG reps!! This isn't pharma you know!

it has been almost a year since this post, are they still with the company? i know the ones that were worth a darn have left on their own or were recruited by other labs.
How many are left? and if so, do they replace them when one leaves?
How can i get a gig like that?

You can "get a gig like that" by demonstrating exemplary business acumen. Do you possess what it takes?????

When I worked for LC, my BDE knew NOTHING!! I completely intimidated her because of my credentials and college degrees. I actually do not believe she even had a degree..what a joke.

I left after like four months because I was sickened by the facts!!

People that have college degrees now are a dime a dozen. I've interviewed, hired and fired quite a few (most of them had the entitlement mentality) BS degree holders over the years. What's important are the intangible qualities. A solid work ethic, being able to see the forest from the trees, being a fierce competitor that loathes losing, and keeping apprised and staying ahead of industry trends.
I guess that you are a mover and shaker in your own mind....

People that have college degrees now are a dime a dozen. I've interviewed, hired and fired quite a few (most of them had the entitlement mentality) BS degree holders over the years. What's important are the intangible qualities. A solid work ethic, being able to see the forest from the trees, being a fierce competitor that loathes losing, and keeping apprised and staying ahead of industry trends.
I guess that you are a mover and shaker in your own mind....

You mean like, why do you need a degree when all you are going to do is babysit the clients that were bought through an lab acquisition? Hello... See the forest from the trees yourself already??? LOL

College degrees, plural, and you worked for lab corp in sales. What did you major in? Gardening? Pottery? Double major? With all those degrees why didnt you make it in those fields? Idiot. You intimidate no one. " I left after like...", you used the word "like" in that sentence? How rad dude. Valley girls talk like that....

You really out to stop hating...An education has its own rewards... life is not always about money.

College degrees, plural, and you worked for lab corp in sales. What did you major in? Gardening? Pottery? Double major? With all those degrees why didnt you make it in those fields? Idiot. You intimidate no one. " I left after like...", you used the word "like" in that sentence? How rad dude. Valley girls talk like that....

Listen you schmuck! I used the word like as a joke. My degrees were an A.S. in medical technology. A B.S. in Biology and an M.S. in Biochem. The deal was all those degrees resulted in a $75k a year salary working in a research lab. That is right all those PhDs that work in research average about 100k a year. Soooooo I went into sales as a way to make more dough while climbing the corporate ladder. Several start ups latter I tried LabCrap. Now that I have left I used my knowledge to secure a job as an Biotech analyst for a large firm. And yes I make a nice living even in this economy. I scan the boards to see what reps think of their companies before I recommend an investment! Who do you work for? I don't want to waste my companies money on whomever you work for!

Brilliant strategy, scan Cafepharma for investment guidance. Please let me know who you work for so I don't invest with you. I have 1 BS degree none of your debt and make a lot more money. Glad you feel so superior to those without a college degree. By the way a quick search shows that you must be absolutely killing it. Congrats on your 20K raise with 2.5 degrees

Average Salary
Biotechnology analysts and other scientific and technical management analysts earned an average annual salary of $98,500 per year in 2010, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This salary was significantly higher than the $87,260 earned by all other management analysts nationwide. The bureau indicates that these scientific analysts were the most numerous group of management analysts employed in the United States in 2010.

GG reps AREN'T sales oriented and can't deliver on what the competition is peddling currently. They only focus on the details of individual tests. Do you think docs nowadays want to hear about how you run your Lynch Syndrome panel compared to other labs OR how to put money in their pockets?!?! Business Development (ie. thinking out of the box, being creative, building a better mouse trap, using leverage) is more important today than ever before. Your strategy and techniques are obsolete. Like the rest of the GG reps!! This isn't pharma you know!

Now is this just to damn funny.....your back door deals are only going to get you so far. All the good GG reps have left anyway on to better things.

BDE- Big Disappointed Employees

Remember someone had to beg to keep your jobs...

Listen you schmuck! I used the word like as a joke. My degrees were an A.S. in medical technology. A B.S. in Biology and an M.S. in Biochem. The deal was all those degrees resulted in a $75k a year salary working in a research lab. That is right all those PhDs that work in research average about 100k a year. Soooooo I went into sales as a way to make more dough while climbing the corporate ladder. Several start ups latter I tried LabCrap. Now that I have left I used my knowledge to secure a job as an Biotech analyst for a large firm. And yes I make a nice living even in this economy. I scan the boards to see what reps think of their companies before I recommend an investment! Who do you work for? I don't want to waste my companies money on whomever you work for!

Maybe between getting all of those "intimidating" degrees you should have looked into the salary range of the jobs you were studying to get smart guy. You would have been better off in gardening and pottery. I am sure your clients hated you and you sound like the guy picked last in gym class. Your BDE made twice as much as you, like really.

Now is this just to damn funny.....your back door deals are only going to get you so far. All the good GG reps have left anyway on to better things.

BDE- Big Disappointed Employees

Remember someone had to beg to keep your jobs...

What "back door deals"? Do you think labcorp would allow such a thing with corporate compliance people tripping over each other? Face it, you don't have a business mind or any other type of mind for that matter.

What "back door deals"? Do you think labcorp would allow such a thing with corporate compliance people tripping over each other? Face it, you don't have a business mind or any other type of mind for that matter.

This is too funny please keep these comments coming.
I am so entertained by the foolishness that is so evident here.