This is a disaster. Launch in the middle of a pandemic. Hospitals are cash and resource strapped. Summer is always a dead time. Another competitor about to be approved. Economy hitting the dumper. Can't get in to see any ASCs or hospitals. Should have trusted my instincts when GG was putting the hard sell on me

This is a disaster. Launch in the middle of a pandemic. Hospitals are cash and resource strapped. Summer is always a dead time. Another competitor about to be approved. Economy hitting the dumper. Can't get in to see any ASCs or hospitals. Should have trusted my instincts when GG was putting the hard sell on me

Could this be the 6 hour NSAID champion that is curiously obsessed with us?
I’m seeing it the other way around. maybe we’re obsessed with them?

were trying to say we’re a better option and the only thing we have is 24 hours. Kind of.

And we don’t work very fast.

And we cost 10x more.

And you’ll need to change your protocols.

And still need to use other faster onset products.

other than that Anjeso is awesome

Bad time to launch most anything...small start-ups have enough cash to deal with heavy turbulence for 1-1.5 years if the sales force stays very small and then a rainbow better appear...

haven’t read anything about harming the company. WHere did the recruitor pop up and if there is One employee and 5 “others” which are you.
Either way this drug not gonna sell 500k by may 2021

haven’t read anything about harming the company. WHere did the recruitor pop up and if there is One employee and 5 “others” which are you.
Either way this drug not gonna sell 500k by may 2021

Other than posting that this will never sell. Find a better use of your time. You do not work here, and if you say you do, why are you wasting time saying we are not going to hit a fraction of just one our region's numbers???????