I actually think the other poster meant to put it another way because I believe you are wrong. A good manager is someone that gets their inspiration and satisfaction out of being a true mentor and supports their reps and is the go-to when issues come up and they need help, support, and guidance. This job is an autonomous one. We are all profewssionals that get the job done and I don't need someone to watch over me everyday. As a rep, I manage MY projects, my time, my money, and all the resources given to me.
Bad managers are the babysitters and spies. They are the ones that use intimidation as their motivation rather than support and positive reinforcement. They are the ones that get emails out and copy the regionals to make themselves look good and could care less about their individual reps. They are motivated by climbing the ladder rather than being a mentor. It is one thing if a rep has poor numbers and isn't working, then a manager needs to reprimand this person to various levels - including termination. Sometimes, a rep has poor numbers and they truly are working to their best potential. Perhaps they are not working smart. Rather than instantly wanting to get rid of this rep, this would be the opportunity for the manager to jump in and help them towards becoming a better rep and working smarter. Unfortunately this usually doesn't happens. Although this industry says it is all about what is best for the patient - in actually reality it is a business and all they care about is the numbers. The most ironic thing is though that the majority of managers out there are not good salespeople....so how can they teach? I can't tell you how many times I have seen reps getting promoting and being stunned, since their numbers as rep were never stellar.