Bacterin International, Inc.


This is an open-ended question to all employees and distributors, current and former, of Bacterin International, Inc.:

WHAT HAVE YOUR EXPERIENCES WORKING WITH THIS COMPANY BEEN? Please be truthful, frank, detailed and professional with your answers. Please back up any descriptive terms with an explanation of why those particular terms were chosen (for example, if you write, "________ is a _______, then include, "because ________ did/does ____________________...."). Please indicate whether you are writing from an employee or distributor perspective.

Now, on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the worst and 5 being the best, how would you rate Bacterin International, Inc. on,

1. Ethics:
2. Integrity:
3. Trustworthiness:
4. Honesty:
5. Fairness:
6. Courtesy:
7. Professionalism:
8 Overall management:
9. Employee Relations:
10. Distributor Relations:
11. Competency:
12. Follow-through on commitments:
13: Communication:
14. Sales Support:
15. Marketing:
16. Team Spirit:
17: Product Quality:
18. Your confidence in the validity of their white paper clinical data:
19: Your confidence in the CEO and senior management:
20. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles:
21. Timeliness in releasing compensation funds:
22. Timeliness in releasing expense reimbursement:
23. Reputation among industry professionals:

Just cut and paste the questions and insert your answers. Feel free to add any categories not listed.

Thank you for your feedback.


Damn, that is really funny. I doubt anyone would care enough about bacterin to spend the time on it. Better to just let the market continue to do it work on BONE's price and the third generation of bag holders who have invested in it.

Damn, that is really funny. I doubt anyone would care enough about bacterin to spend the time on it. Better to just let the market continue to do it work on BONE's price and the third generation of bag holders who have invested in it.

True dat.

PS - Cafe Pharma is a horrible excuse for a marketing department's primary reasearch tool. It's horses hit efforts like this that demonstrate how truly weak the inside staff really are.

I agree. Cafe Pharma has turned into a joke. Anyone who believes 90% of the B.S. posted on this site has sh*t for brains!

...said by someone who would prefer if the TRUTH about sh**ty organizations didn't have a place to be exposed! Just think, if you weren't out there screwing people, there may have actually been good things posted about your company. It's called "Karma" and what goes around does come around, good and bad. Your choice!