Backorders and supply?! WTF?

After Covid MDT said we will start moving with US suppliers to stop dependency of countries like China and what happened? Nothing because US supplier are too expensive and many of them buy their Raw Material in countries like China, so same shit. Is not Suppliers fault is just simply poor Management

We have moved manufacturing to 3rd world countries folks, it never works. Geoff has this dream that some day it will miraculously make great products, it won’t. This is going to end with lawsuits, FDA and DOJ injunctions and patients maimed or possibly even worse. Neutron Omar will go down as one of the most villainous CEOs in history, along with his mentor…Neutron Jack. Rot in hell you you 2 bastards.

Few years back MDT moved their payment terms to suppliers way out to "match the market". for small suppliers who couldn't wait 90 days for payment, MDT offered to connect them to loan sharks who could float them money to pay their bills till they got MDT check. So MDT with billions in cash was holding back paying small suppliers to goose cash flow. now those are suppliers that dont care if MDT is in trouble and they dont have motivation to work hard to get backorders under control when their other customers did not treat them like that.

Few years back MDT moved their payment terms to suppliers way out to "match the market". for small suppliers who couldn't wait 90 days for payment, MDT offered to connect them to loan sharks who could float them money to pay their bills till they got MDT check. So MDT with billions in cash was holding back paying small suppliers to goose cash flow. now those are suppliers that dont care if MDT is in trouble and they dont have motivation to work hard to get backorders under control when their other customers did not treat them like that.

exactly correct. My theory is that people in power are getting bribes from competitors to make horrible decisions. This one was, and still is, so very bad I just don’t get it.

Because this is Medtronic, where products are outsourced and manufactured in 3rd world countries and the only thing that matters is their bullshit DEI agenda.
The selective outrage of the DEI supporters is some of the greatest hypocrisy ever possible.

They don't seem to care about all the abused 3rd world workers, or abused American workers under their inept leadership. Yet if you are a DEI STEM employee, you are untouchable and are given every advantage.

Also, those abused workers in the 3rd world suffer far more from GM enriching himself off 3rd world labor than any minority or female suffers in 2024.

Selective outrage of the the DEI people prove they are just mind numb lemmings and cowards. Some are legit crazy but all are misinformed and hypocrites.

The selective outrage of the DEI supporters is some of the greatest hypocrisy ever possible.

They don't seem to care about all the abused 3rd world workers, or abused American workers under their inept leadership. Yet if you are a DEI STEM employee, you are untouchable and are given every advantage.

Also, those abused workers in the 3rd world suffer far more from GM enriching himself off 3rd world labor than any minority or female suffers in 2024.

Selective outrage of the the DEI people prove they are just mind numb lemmings and cowards. Some are legit crazy but all are misinformed and hypocrites.

There is so much more here than meets the eye with DEI. Just wait until the cat is out of the bag. Ask yourself this question, why would GM and all of his white male friends go so crazy with DEI? Always follow the money.

Always follow the money when it comes to DEI. Medtronic is pathetic. Never have I been more unimpressed with a company with such potential. Back orders never stopped but all those in power can talk about is transgender and black or brown initiatives.

Always follow the money when it comes to DEI. Medtronic is pathetic. Never have I been more unimpressed with a company with such potential. Back orders never stopped but all those in power can talk about is transgender and black or brown initiatives.
I have seen DEI hires cause cancelled surgeries. When there were layoffs this individual who slept in meetings (no joke), sleep in obscure corners of the building. Played games for much of the day. They knew they were untouchable.

God forbid you are a white male with health problems or the slightest disability such as dyslexia. You will be abused, harassed etc and no one cares about you at all. Including the woke hypocrite women DEI hires who just fill their department with women only. You will be expected to be a super hero, stigmatized freely (and wrongly) or whatever else the woke hypocrite managers want to abuse you with.

The cost to society, patients and the economy of hiring under/unqualified candidates is dangerous, immoral, racist/sexist and it is outrageous anyone supports this practice.

To try to absolve since of the past by discriminating against innocent white men who have done nothing but treat people as if they are color blind is absolutely sickening.

All of you white so-called men and white women who have sons or husbands should be ashamed of your support DEI. Your insanity or cowardice is a cancer on society.

I have seen DEI hires cause cancelled surgeries. When there were layoffs this individual who slept in meetings (no joke), sleep in obscure corners of the building. Played games for much of the day. They knew they were untouchable.

God forbid you are a white male with health problems or the slightest disability such as dyslexia. You will be abused, harassed etc and no one cares about you at all. Including the woke hypocrite women DEI hires who just fill their department with women only. You will be expected to be a super hero, stigmatized freely (and wrongly) or whatever else the woke hypocrite managers want to abuse you with.

The cost to society, patients and the economy of hiring under/unqualified candidates is dangerous, immoral, racist/sexist and it is outrageous anyone supports this practice.

To try to absolve since of the past by discriminating against innocent white men who have done nothing but treat people as if they are color blind is absolutely sickening.

All of you white so-called men and white women who have sons or husbands should be ashamed of your support DEI. Your insanity or cowardice is a cancer on society.

Worst company I have ever worked for, worst experience of my entire career. I spent 2 years at Medtronic and never in my life have I seen such incompetence and inability to get even the most simple of tasks completed. It’s like working for a bunch of woke r*****s who only focus on how much of a victim they can be. Hated every second of it and hope you can leave this toilet too

I have also wondered about the weird herd mentaility of the kool aid drinking white men advocating for women and minorities. how about advocating for excellence you morons. it doesn't matter what color or gender it is,,,just excellence.

all of you white male deserve to lose your jobs.