I have seen DEI hires cause cancelled surgeries. When there were layoffs this individual who slept in meetings (no joke), sleep in obscure corners of the building. Played games for much of the day. They knew they were untouchable.
God forbid you are a white male with health problems or the slightest disability such as dyslexia. You will be abused, harassed etc and no one cares about you at all. Including the woke hypocrite women DEI hires who just fill their department with women only. You will be expected to be a super hero, stigmatized freely (and wrongly) or whatever else the woke hypocrite managers want to abuse you with.
The cost to society, patients and the economy of hiring under/unqualified candidates is dangerous, immoral, racist/sexist and it is outrageous anyone supports this practice.
To try to absolve since of the past by discriminating against innocent white men who have done nothing but treat people as if they are color blind is absolutely sickening.
All of you white so-called men and white women who have sons or husbands should be ashamed of your support DEI. Your insanity or cowardice is a cancer on society.