Backorders and supply?! WTF?

How funny is it that somehow "woke" or some other catch phrase always makes its way into these threads? Parrots. Nah, it's not a cult.
Pot meet kettle.

DEI is a cult that will have deadly consequences. When you stop using merit as the primary metric for promotion this world and it's people as a whole will suffer. Particularly dangerous in companies like Medtronic that are necessary to save so many lives.

......And some changes in operation strategy, shared services, manufacturing/dc transfers all over the place, eu-mdr impacts, Etc

Few years back MDT moved their payment terms to suppliers way out to "match the market". for small suppliers who couldn't wait 90 days for payment, MDT offered to connect them to loan sharks who could float them money to pay their bills till they got MDT check. So MDT with billions in cash was holding back paying small suppliers to goose cash flow. now those are suppliers that dont care if MDT is in trouble and they dont have motivation to work hard to get backorders under control when their other customers did not treat them like that.

Few years back MDT moved their payment terms to suppliers way out to "match the market". for small suppliers who couldn't wait 90 days for payment, MDT offered to connect them to loan sharks who could float them money to pay their bills till they got MDT check. So MDT with billions in cash was holding back paying small suppliers to goose cash flow. now those are suppliers that dont care if MDT is in trouble and they dont have motivation to work hard to get backorders under control when their other customers did not treat them like that.
Typically Medtronic . They just don’t care.
MDT hires leadership with the same mentality

Medtronic has created its own material shortage. When you have to scrap 1/3 of your finished goods because of quality issues, yes you will have shortages. Who would ever have thought that making medical devices in 3rd world countries would not have been a good idea? Well…p Geoff most people with a 9th grade education could have told you that. Goodness we work for some real idiots.

Typically Medtronic . They just don’t care.
MDT hires leadership with the same mentality
Have I got a story for you on how badly they abuse contract manufacturers.

R&D higher ups seem to take pride in it and it's disgusting. This company will very clearly follow terrible manufacturing practices when their backs are against the wall in terms of project schedule. Then management will take shortcuts, hit their narrow performance metrics the won't be penalized for throwing a bunch of problems over the fence for and OPS and the CMs with a huge mess to clean up. Nope if R&D hits their dates for a certain goal that's all they care about. Fix it later mentality when it's 10x more difficult to fix things later.

It’s what happens when you outsource manufacturing to third world countries and third party vendors who can’t meet deadlines. If Medtronic had any sense, they would build manufacturing plants in the US with automated lines. Kitting our products from various vendors is a recipe for disaster.

It’s what happens when you outsource manufacturing to third world countries and third party vendors who can’t meet deadlines. If Medtronic had any sense, they would build manufacturing plants in the US with automated lines. Kitting our products from various vendors is a recipe for disaster.
Oh the foreign manufacturers are automated, they can meet deadlines and they work their butts off for us. The problem I have seen if on the Medtronic leadership side. The truth is they can push foreign suppliers in ways American vendors will not tolerate. Do 4 months of work in 2 because we didn't plan well enough is what MDT demands from them.

Oh the foreign manufacturers are automated, they can meet deadlines and they work their butts off for us. The problem I have seen if on the Medtronic leadership side. The truth is they can push foreign suppliers in ways American vendors will not tolerate. Do 4 months of work in 2 because we didn't plan well enough is what MDT demands from them.

Have seen the exact same thing. Horrible planning leads to suppliers unable to meet ridiculous demand, so MDT asks to work weekends and overtime, etc. because they're foreign and they can get away with it.

Suppliers say okay fine, pay us more (which MDT gladly does since the LT doesn't give a shit about the's not theirs' after all).

What then happens is the suppliers are overworking, and this leads to low yields and quality issues. Then MDT turns around and blames the core teams.

When in fact the problem was the unrealistic expectations that were originally set by LT, which caused the core teams to deliver a ridiculous plan they were never going to meet.

Classic example was Geoff talking out of his ass about how RDN was just around the corner, new diabetes CGM just around the corner, the whole Hugo debacle. It all starts with the idiots at the top who have no clue how to run a business like this.

Few years back MDT moved their payment terms to suppliers way out to "match the market". for small suppliers who couldn't wait 90 days for payment, MDT offered to connect them to loan sharks who could float them money to pay their bills till they got MDT check. So MDT with billions in cash was holding back paying small suppliers to goose cash flow. now those are suppliers that dont care if MDT is in trouble and they dont have motivation to work hard to get backorders under control when their other customers did not treat them like that.

This. Brain cells do still exist in this forum.

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