B+L Ireland

Oh it's a coming..... Waterford blitz just around the corner and this will destroy the community..shame on you Valeant!! But that seems to be what you are good at because future pipelines are not important... Just cut more jobs & costs, that makes up the metrics

For a company .. Valeant .. That gets away with paying between 2-3% in taxes being domiciled
In Ireland this is the thanks this country gets in return----job losses!!!! A f..... Disgrace!! At least Google/ Facebook/Twitter etc.. Are actually creating jobs ,developing their people, which has a knock on effect in putting revenue back into the economy.

If jobs are lost in Waterford & valeant are making billions through Ireland, just wait till the media gets its hands on this exposé, see how Noonan and the likes deals with that..

Valeant is a sham of a company.

If you think you are safe -- forget it!

If you think you are valued -- forget it!

If you think you are worthy -- forget it!

Mike Pearson laid off so many people to make the stock price go up...however, pharmaceutical ethics and work practices are not being done. Why is the FDA not auditing this company? Why?

Never ever trust anything Mike Pearson says...he is a liar and he is only interested in lining his own pockets while the rest of us suffer and lose our homes.

I just don't understand how the universe can sanction someone like Mike Pearson and the poor people suffer. I just don't get it. I am a very good person and I don't understand people behaving like this.

If you work for Valeant, get out now . Valeant will only destroy you.