B+L Ireland

after the "negotiations" (which have already been concluded at the highest level of govt. and trade unions), all 1100 jobs gone before the end of summer, make no mistake. get ready for a fight comrades!

Looks like valiant know the workers won't accept ,they will close the doors and blame the work force when all along the plan was to shut the place anyway, take the money people as the closing package will be nothing

Valeant absolutely know that 20% is not realistic and using Rochester as comparison is a diversion from the real reason which is the ego and greed of Pearson et al. The fact is that a profit is being made on the lenses produced in Waterford, just not enough for Valeant. Their closure plan threat is either an empty threat or if it does exist then it must include moving production to Rochester, a plant that has no expertise and little knowledge of the processes to make the daily lenses (that's not an attempt to offend Rochester, they are experts on the products they make and are great people). So, what to do? Reject the 20% proposal and call their bluff? Accept the cut and they will come back with another cut in 6 months time?
Calling their bluff seems only option, unlike the USA and other areas they operate in, Valeant will not be able to close and move equipment elsewhere - why? Because the workers there will take the plant over and not allow anything to be removed. Yes, it will mean the Waterford folks will lose out but that's a given no matter what happens. By not allowing Valeant move they will lose the daily lens business, and maybe they don't care but they will lose more than the $20M they seek and maybe the publicity will effect their attempt to takeover other companies and place them under the spotlight of Reg and Financial authorities. It could be the first blow to the house of cards they have built.

If you ridiculous people would stop responding to the idiot with the doom & gloom maybe it would stop. It continues because you all have to post about it. Has ONE prediction come true from this TROLL since January? No! Three months of predicting layoffs, closing a, failed product launches. You would think we'd all be in a soup kitchen line by now. Geez!

OK Mr PR man, now shut the fuck up.