B+L Ireland

biotrue launch plummetting to earth, FILM area over-staffed, set to worsen. no new lines arriving. what a load of bull from this management(scum) team. I LOOK FORWARD TO THE LAYOFFS

Does this mean plus powers for Biotrue are not going to be available the end of June? We were told in the US that plus powers will be shipped to doctors June 23rd. Is this wrong?

Does this mean plus powers for Biotrue are not going to be available the end of June? We were told in the US that plus powers will be shipped to doctors June 23rd. Is this wrong?

You come onto this thread to ask about a product launch ? Who are you ? Are you insane ? Ask your superiors (based on your query, there should be no shortage of them).

You have to understand that this is not the place for relevant or accurate information, it is almost entirely populated by schizophrenic yet beautiful people. It is a place to scare the nervous, and to anger the angry. It is a playground for the puerile and now I must go back to my cell. Oh look, there's a unicorn at the window.