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AZ Policy re: Witnessing Sample Signatures


Is there any written AZ policy that explicitly states a Rep must witness an HCPs sample signature?

I have offices with restricted Rep access outside of a luncheon. If the iPad is not handed to an M.A., there is no way to obtain a signature. Does common sense prevail or am I putting my employment at risk by adhering to an in-office policy vs a corporate policy that I've not seen written anywhere?

however, this policy IS in place at Merck - just sayin'.

I had to work out a routine in many offices where the MA would have the doc sign within my line of sight like 20 feet away at the end of a hall - while I would be quietly standing at the other end.

Yes, it IS AZ's policy to witness a physician signature. Check with your compliance officer.

Where is it written?
Where is it in any employee handbook or compliance training guide?

During my training it was emphasized to make every effort to witness a signature but we were told ultimately we are guests in the physician's office and we must conform to their policies. We can't dictate to a provider or their staff AZ protocols in their office. If we want to conduct business with them, I.e. leave samples in the hope that they will prescribe our meds, we follow their office rules.

If you beg to differ, give the specific AZ citation where the policy is printed.

Where is it written?
Where is it in any employee handbook or compliance training guide?

During my training it was emphasized to make every effort to witness a signature but we were told ultimately we are guests in the physician's office and we must conform to their policies. We can't dictate to a provider or their staff AZ protocols in their office. If we want to conduct business with them, I.e. leave samples in the hope that they will prescribe our meds, we follow their office rules.

If you beg to differ, give the specific AZ citation where the policy is printed.

Bull, you'd better not be entering a call or leaving any samples without a FTF. Get real, you know AZ will never get real. Fake it.

if you lose your jbo due to a violation of that policy, you'd have a good case of employer creating hostile environment as they are forcing you to comply with a task that depends 100pct on an externality, that is, the HCP office willingness to let you witness the HCP doing something in THEIR office. Remember, an HCP office is a private business, and a rep is allowed on-site only by the good will of the hcp office. THEIR policy at their site of business trumps anything else, no matter what the pharma co policy is. If it was a federal regulation, then that's another story.

Don't worry about it. I sign docs signatures myself and have been for years. I refuse to work more than 12-15 hrs a week.

B.S. on this post.

A computerized scan is on file for all HCPs signatures. If there is ever any doubt about a rep working plus the usual random checks, any deviation is flagged then verified.

Forging sample signatures will get you bounced not just from the company but from the industry.

B.S. on this post.

A computerized scan is on file for all HCPs signatures. If there is ever any doubt about a rep working plus the usual random checks, any deviation is flagged then verified.

Forging sample signatures will get you bounced not just from the company but from the industry.
Forging Dr. Signatures is a federal offense. It is the same thing as forging a prescription as far as the law is concerned. The least that will happen to you if you are caught is to be fired. Knowing AZ, they would most likely report you to the Feds and you would be prosecuted for forgery and dispensing medications without a license.

Take a snapshot of it with your phone and practice signing the docs name! I've been doing this for years ha ha Fuck you AZ
Here is a window into your future dumbass. You are suspected of not working and your manager begins to investigate with the full support of h.r. and legal.
A few offices report receiving too many samples and that they were not requested by the doctors. You are called into a conference with your manager and someone from h.r.
They go through several days of recorded calls until they come to the ones they know are fake. You will twist in the wind until they break you and then you will hand over your car and laptop and they will leave you standing on the curb waiting for a ride home.
This movie has played out thousands of times and yours will end exactly the same.

Never ceases to amaze me ,given how easy this job is ,that there are reps who still insist on working the angles (I guess the poor bored rep is looking to make the job more exciting).

Sure, why not demand to witness the signature..most offices get it..smile, say please and thank you, you might get passed those magic doors.

Overall the Hunt for Signatures is what this job continues to be.

I've been pulling it off for years! We have so many reps and doctors have no idea who signed for what! Ha ha . If there are offices that have too much Crestor I just slip some in my bag.. I sell it to a girl in my apt complex. Or trade it, if you know what I mean!

I've been pulling it off for years! We have so many reps and doctors have no idea who signed for what! Ha ha . If there are offices that have too much Crestor I just slip some in my bag.. I sell it to a girl in my apt complex. Or trade it, if you know what I mean!
Then you can add larceny to your charges of mail fraud and forgery. AZ will turn you in to prosecutors if you are caught. And you will be caught eventually maybe one year maybe ten but you will get caught. The only ones who aren't are the ones who quit first.

Then you can add larceny to your charges of mail fraud and forgery. AZ will turn you in to prosecutors if you are caught. And you will be caught eventually maybe one year maybe ten but you will get caught. The only ones who aren't are the ones who quit first.
The person is pulling your leg, aka trolling.

Wow don't get your panties in a wad dude! Who doesn't steal samples out of the closet? I got busted once taking my crest or samples. I told the doctor I had put too much and the dumb shit believed me. Ha ha

Years ago, this was all too common for EVERYONE!! Doctors, nurses, reps, MAs, reception. Everyone took what they needed for themselves and for their old Aunt Sally. No one got hurt or sick. Then some assholes decided to crack down and now you have most places won't even deal with the samples at all. Too bad. I loved those eye drops and cold sore samples. Ambien used to leap off the shelf too (not me). You youngsters were never around when we would call each other to get whatever for allergy season or for the stupid stuff including Z packs.

Years ago, this was all too common for EVERYONE!! Doctors, nurses, reps, MAs, reception. Everyone took what they needed for themselves and for their old Aunt Sally. No one got hurt or sick. Then some assholes decided to crack down and now you have most places won't even deal with the samples at all. Too bad. I loved those eye drops and cold sore samples. Ambien used to leap off the shelf too (not me). You youngsters were never around when we would call each other to get whatever for allergy season or for the stupid stuff including Z packs.

Don't forget the Viagra and Cialis!!

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