Chatrick being gone is a blessing. That guy has about as much business having sales report to him as Ashley G does. Which is to say none.
He was brought in to do Dave’s dirty work to the sales team. It was delayed by Covid, which gave Kevin L and his mistress an opportunity to sell him on Project North Star. That was nothing more than a reshuffling of the deck chairs, just like what happens in every organization when a new guy comes in. The fact that he could virtue signal to Dave’s virtue signaling by also eliminating 14 white men over 50, enabled by our post George Floyd DEI hysteria, was an added bonus for him.
That being done, Chatrick and some of his lackeys like Katy M then shuffle off to do nothing global roles. Mohit comes in and further enables inept leaders like Diep C (the mistress) to run more people off and hand pick her “managers”, all of whom lack the skill required for the role and the will to tell her she doesn’t know what she’s doing. And why does she get to do this? Because Kevin L fell on her sword and Mohit doesn’t want to get rid of her. Why? Because he's enabled her horrible behavior and he knows all about the unethical behavior that continued under his watch.
So it’s come full circle that Project North Star is dead and a major part of the toxicity is being shuffled from the northeast to the southeast.
And all of this is being overshadowed by the incredible success of the science of AZ. Just like Pascal said it would when he showed up and told Pfizer to sit down.