AZ- ever heard of Ash Wednesday?


You must have enough lawyers on payroll to hold the hands of our inept leaders when it comes to scheduling meetings and NOT accommodating religious holidays- guess they dropped the ball with Chi-town

Many of the pharma-hating lawyers would love to be made aware of this one I’m sure... just saying, AZ. You might want to reconsider departure and arrival dates that do not allow your employees to attend religious services!!

Are employers required to accommodate the religious beliefs and practices of applicants and employees?

Yes. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on religion. This includes refusing to accommodate an employee's sincerely held religious beliefs or practices unless the accommodation would impose an undue hardship (more than a minimal burden on operation of the business). A religious practice may be sincerely held by an individual even if newly adopted, not consistently observed, or different from the commonly followed tenets of the individual's religion.


You must have enough lawyers on payroll to hold the hands of our inept leaders when it comes to scheduling meetings and NOT accommodating religious holidays- guess they dropped the ball with Chi-town

Many of the pharma-hating lawyers would love to be made aware of this one I’m sure... just saying, AZ. You might want to reconsider departure and arrival dates that do not allow your employees to attend religious services!!

Are employers required to accommodate the religious beliefs and practices of applicants and employees?

Yes. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on religion. This includes refusing to accommodate an employee's sincerely held religious beliefs or practices unless the accommodation would impose an undue hardship (more than a minimal burden on operation of the business). A religious practice may be sincerely held by an individual even if newly adopted, not consistently observed, or different from the commonly followed tenets of the individual's religion.

You are not a protected class.

You must have enough lawyers on payroll to hold the hands of our inept leaders when it comes to scheduling meetings and NOT accommodating religious holidays- guess they dropped the ball with Chi-town

Many of the pharma-hating lawyers would love to be made aware of this one I’m sure... just saying, AZ. You might want to reconsider departure and arrival dates that do not allow your employees to attend religious services!!

Are employers required to accommodate the religious beliefs and practices of applicants and employees?

Yes. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on religion. This includes refusing to accommodate an employee's sincerely held religious beliefs or practices unless the accommodation would impose an undue hardship (more than a minimal burden on operation of the business). A religious practice may be sincerely held by an individual even if newly adopted, not consistently observed, or different from the commonly followed tenets of the individual's religion.

Catholics cannot keep their NY resolutions so they invented Lent to reboot. The people starting this post and contributing to it are the same Catholics who will be cheating on their spouses and significant others to get an edge on COE in 18. What a joke you people are!

Catholics cannot keep their NY resolutions so they invented Lent to reboot. The people starting this post and contributing to it are the same Catholics who will be cheating on their spouses and significant others to get an edge on COE in 18. What a joke you people are!
same hypocrites that cheat on their expense report and work maybe 2 hours a day. Go get your ashes. Fake
The floating holidays are for religious occasions

Bring some palm leaves with you.
Burn them in your hotel room in a non-flammable container.
Pound the ashes into a fine soot.
Pray over the soot. Read a bible verse.
Using your right thumb, dip your thumb into the ashes.
Make a cross on your forehead.

It will likely be more meaningful if you follow these steps yourself instead. God is everywhere. It’s the heart in the ritual that matters most.

Bring some palm leaves with you.
Burn them in your hotel room in a non-flammable container.
Pound the ashes into a fine soot.
Pray over the soot. Read a bible verse.
Using your right thumb, dip your thumb into the ashes.
Make a cross on your forehead.

It will likely be more meaningful if you follow these steps yourself instead. God is everywhere. It’s the heart in the ritual that matters most.


You must have enough lawyers on payroll to hold the hands of our inept leaders when it comes to scheduling meetings and NOT accommodating religious holidays- guess they dropped the ball with Chi-town

Many of the pharma-hating lawyers would love to be made aware of this one I’m sure... just saying, AZ. You might want to reconsider departure and arrival dates that do not allow your employees to attend religious services!!

Are employers required to accommodate the religious beliefs and practices of applicants and employees?

Yes. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on religion. This includes refusing to accommodate an employee's sincerely held religious beliefs or practices unless the accommodation would impose an undue hardship (more than a minimal burden on operation of the business). A religious practice may be sincerely held by an individual even if newly adopted, not consistently observed, or different from the commonly followed tenets of the individual's religion.

I totally agree

In my 17 years in the industry I have never had a company schedule anything on a religious holiday and it just shows how heartless and greedy this place is.... as if Chicago in Feb wasn’t enough

Then leave and find another job that affords you a company car, good income, flexibility and other amenities! You people just sicken me with all this bitching... Thank God you have good health and a lifestyle.....

You’re missing the point - We are trying to thank God but AZ is not allowing us to do so. Without God none of those things are possible nor do they matter
It is YOU who is missing the point. You may thank God any day, any time. It is a spiritual relationship between God and yourself. Having a priest place ash on your forehead is merely symbolic and often misused to show, in stead, one’s fake piety. “Oh, look at me. I’m religious!”

It's the principle! Ash Wednesday is very important to Catholics. Wonder if they will have a fish option for lunch and dinner on this religious day?
Meal option? If you are the devout Catholic that you claim yourself to be, you should be fasting on this important Day! How dare you think about options during Ash Wednesday!

Wow, where is all this anti- Catholic ignorance coming from. We Catholics eat 2 small meatless meals and one regular one on Ash Wed and Good Fri - and I don't work for AZ and now I sure as hell don't want - sounds like bigoted place

A catholic that once worked here. Glad I was given a nice severance last Feb. Any Mormons, 7th day's, Lutheran, Wrath of God Evangelicals out there? News for all other Christian denominations... you will be next.

It's the principle! Ash Wednesday is very important to Catholics. Wonder if they will have a fish option for lunch and dinner on this religious day?

I’m catholic too but I can also take a day off if I want to! I can also find a church to attend and receive my ashes if I want to have them placed on my forehead or just privately give thanks and prepare for lent! But stop whining and expect the companies to favor religious holy days.. Be thankful you have a job with all of these affordablities....

I’m catholic too but I can also take a day off if I want to! I can also find a church to attend and receive my ashes if I want to have them placed on my forehead or just privately give thanks and prepare for lent! But stop whining and expect the companies to favor religious holy days.. Be thankful you have a job with all of these affordablities....
Amen! Now here’s one Catholic who has it right, head squarely on her/his shoulders! No entitlement, no me/mine/my self-love. Good one.