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AZ enables and encourages bullying by DSM's and RSD's?


The culture of bullying by management at AZ results in reduced creativity, low morale, and increased turnover.

Is it the intention of AZ to save money on severance packages by driving good employees out because the sales organization has become a bloated worthless mess created by out of touch "leaders" ?

Here is a discussion the topic from the Harvard Business review:


A good post, however it is lost on the arrogant bunch currently in power. Their response will be to put you on a PIP if they discover you've posted here and tell your manager to start riding with you twice a week, to work on "closing" or some other subjective measure. You'll be out of a job for cause in no time.

The culture of bullying by management at AZ results in reduced creativity, low morale, and increased turnover.

Is it the intention of AZ to save money on severance packages by driving good employees out because the sales organization has become a bloated worthless mess created by out of touch "leaders" ?

Here is a discussion the topic from the Harvard Business review:


Sounds like you could use a god cry. Fucking loser.

MY DSM is so mean to me cuz my numbers suck. I often shit and piss all over myself from the stress!

Your day will come too, HR. They told us we were one of "them," too, and once many of us believed it. When the shit hits the fan, and it soon will, you will receive the same or worse treatment as that you dole out with such joy. You will suffer, and it will be just deserts.

Fuck you.

Your day will come too, HR. They told us we were one of "them," too, and once many of us believed it. When the shit hits the fan, and it soon will, you will receive the same or worse treatment as that you dole out with such joy. You will suffer, and it will be just deserts.

Fuck you.

HR here. Suck my butthole you worthless fired fuck!

HR here. Suck my butthole you worthless fired fuck!

HR= the black bitch club with a few equally disturbed hispanic bitches. The funny thing is that they are supposed to protect us against discrimination and they are the biggest violators. If you are a white male and need any support from them you can just plain forget it. But someday AstraZeneca is going to lose millions in reverse discrimation lawsuits.

HR= the black bitch club with a few equally disturbed hispanic bitches. The funny thing is that they are supposed to protect us against discrimination and they are the biggest violators. If you are a white male and need any support from them you can just plain forget it. But someday AstraZeneca is going to lose millions in reverse discrimation lawsuits.

Look around, the most protected group in management is the bull dyke lesbian. They are everywhere and can fail as leaders and are nothing but bullies and liars but yet they are always protected.

MY DSM is so mean to me cuz my numbers suck. I often shit and piss all over myself from the stress!

Wow... really? Do you honestly believe the numbers are valid? Numerous folks in positions inside will tell you... the numbers absolutely mean nothing. I personally know one who voluntarily left because they couldn't leave with that (and) other integrity-issues (or lack thereof) within the organization. Setting up the sales force to lie about their call metrics is another great example. Myself and many other in leadership positions years ago argued the case about the number of offices shutting doors and the need to readjust how we look, value call metrics as a result. As you all know, that fell on deaf ears. I truly hope you are someone in a position that is also held within the subjective world of AZ sales. And judging by your response above, I'm confident you are. You're at most a very immature, box-clicking, delusional, BAD DSM. And there's a good chance you're some "wet-behind the ears" rep typing away in mommy and daddy's basement. It will come back on you and wish I could be there to watch. I voluntarily left over a year ago and can't believe how nice it is out here in the real sales world. Takes a little time but well worth it for smart people who still want a rewarding (not just monetarily) career. Trolls like you stay in AZ until they kick you out. Then, sell insurance or flip burgers.

I honestly wonder how some managers including Tilden can look at themselves in the mirror when they force the managers to put their PSSs thru a living hell. I agree many people are put on PIPS and action plans based on the PSS salaries and subjective ratings. I agree 100% there are way too many PSSs with the company and the goal is to get people to quit and avoid severance packages. I knew 15 years ago the number of PSSs hired was assinine and when 5 different reps go into the same office promoting the same med, it is overrkill. It pisses off the docs and puts the reps in a no win situation.
I believe in karma and these assholes will get theirs.

Hey St. Louis South DSM where are you little troll? I cannot wait until the day I get to bully you! You may want to retreat to your underground bunker. You do not have the talent or any of the skills necessary to be a DSM. You will be back being an auto mechanic soon enough. At least you will be able to fix your little troll car. You ought to be ashamed of what you have done to people. Going after people because they didn't welcome you to the team or because you were afraid of them wanting your position gives you no right to do what you have done. And your little girlfriends just threw you under the bus and frankly want you fired. The only and I mean ONLY reason you are still around after you were given the option to resign is because AZ is afraid of a truly wrongful termination lawsuit. They also know all of the off label promoting you have done and told your reps to do. Your days are numbered. Enjoy while you can. Just remember what you do to others will be done back on you.

Hey St. Louis South DSM where are you little troll? I cannot wait until the day I get to bully you! You may want to retreat to your underground bunker. You do not have the talent or any of the skills necessary to be a DSM. You will be back being an auto mechanic soon enough. At least you will be able to fix your little troll car. You ought to be ashamed of what you have done to people. Going after people because they didn't welcome you to the team or because you were afraid of them wanting your position gives you no right to do what you have done. And your little girlfriends just threw you under the bus and frankly want you fired. The only and I mean ONLY reason you are still around after you were given the option to resign is because AZ is afraid of a truly wrongful termination lawsuit. They also know all of the off label promoting you have done and told your reps to do. Your days are numbered. Enjoy while you can. Just remember what you do to others will be done back on you.
Everyone in a leadership positions understands the way to survive the next round of cuts is to beat the shit out of your people. Make sure you are working with HR to investigate one or two that leads to a termination every year. Then make sure your RSD, ASD, and NSD are aware of it. That is the Tilton culture. And it is a lot easier than actually motivating or developing people. Rule one as a PSS is to stay off of the hit list even if you have to out one of your peers. If you can become your DSM's toadie then you have it made. It has nothing to do with performance.

Everyone in a leadership positions understands the way to survive the next round of cuts is to beat the shit out of your people. Make sure you are working with HR to investigate one or two that leads to a termination every year. Then make sure your RSD, ASD, and NSD are aware of it. That is the Tilton culture. And it is a lot easier than actually motivating or developing people. Rule one as a PSS is to stay off of the hit list even if you have to out one of your peers. If you can become your DSM's toadie then you have it made. It has nothing to do with performance.

TRUE TRUE TRUE. It is sad the way that bullying is not only allowed but demanded.

Wow... really? Do you honestly believe the numbers are valid? Numerous folks in positions inside will tell you... the numbers absolutely mean nothing. I personally know one who voluntarily left because they couldn't leave with that (and) other integrity-issues (or lack thereof) within the organization. Setting up the sales force to lie about their call metrics is another great example. Myself and many other in leadership positions years ago argued the case about the number of offices shutting doors and the need to readjust how we look, value call metrics as a result. As you all know, that fell on deaf ears. I truly hope you are someone in a position that is also held within the subjective world of AZ sales. And judging by your response above, I'm confident you are. You're at most a very immature, box-clicking, delusional, BAD DSM. And there's a good chance you're some "wet-behind the ears" rep typing away in mommy and daddy's basement. It will come back on you and wish I could be there to watch. I voluntarily left over a year ago and can't believe how nice it is out here in the real sales world. Takes a little time but well worth it for smart people who still want a rewarding (not just monetarily) career. Trolls like you stay in AZ until they kick you out. Then, sell insurance or flip burgers.

The only way to retaliate is to manipulate the system. It's easy to tap on a screen and say you saw a doctor who wasn't there. Unrealistic call metrics encourage everyone to lie. Poor evaluations don't make people improve, they just make them fall in line while the DSM is in the car with them. As soon as she leaves you flip her the finger and keep doing what works. I have been out of pharma sales for three years now and can't believe I put up with such a mean and destructive culture for so long. The company I work for now has a culture that encourages people to speak up, look after customers and be innovative. The exact opposite of AZ. Poor management comes from the top and I blame Brennan for hiring so many nasty toadies. It's obvious the management isn't doing well, just look at the stock price.