Ax or Cx going first?

We seem to make a lot of hiring mistakes at Galderma. Expecting Rx to understand FMCG is a joke. Sure you can train someone but we NEED people who understand Cx NOW.
On top of that you have people who truly don’t want to be in CX half ass doing their job because they are probably looking for another. Force your employees into a corner, what else could you expect?

We seem to make a lot of hiring mistakes at Galderma. Expecting Rx to understand FMCG is a joke. Sure you can train someone but we NEED people who understand Cx NOW.
On top of that you have people who truly don’t want to be in CX half doing their job because they are probably looking for another. Force your employees into a corner, what else could you expect?

The real question is - is IPO possible? In today’s environment with our current performance, it’s rather unlikely.
Everything is done to make this company more attractive. Hopefully investors won’t be as dumb as EQT and do their homework. Nestle is probably still laughing all the way to the bank.

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