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Yep. Whenever they don't like the truth, they threaten and immediately go to violence. This isn't personal. I just f'n hate Avinger and hope they go out of business tomorrow. Most dishonest company I ever worked for.

Agreed. If this was a good company at its core, people would be on here singing its praises. Instead, you have a lot of people that are going out of their way to dog the place. For the people that are still working there, maybe it's time to take a good long look in the mirror and think on that.

Agreed. If this was a good company at its core, people would be on here singing its praises. Instead, you have a lot of people that are going out of their way to dog the place. For the people that are still working there, maybe it's time to take a good long look in the mirror and think on that.

Exactly! It's not a good company at its core. Nothing but lies and propaganda from this company. They are completely raping customers with the cost of this technology. They are great at overpromising and under delivering! Game about reducing radiation… However, they have absolutely no fucking data to prove it. Worst senior management group I've ever worked with. No strategy, forward thinking, etc. There's a reason the company is sucking wind and the stock is at $1.75.

Agreed. If this was a good company at its core, people would be on here singing its praises. Instead, you have a lot of people that are going out of their way to dog the place. For the people that are still working there, maybe it's time to take a good long look in the mirror and think on that.

What a stupid fabricated point. 99.9 percent of companies on here get bashed by losers who were fired, passed over or put in their place. Oh, also a fair amount of trolls. Please show me the threads of companies where employees are singing their praises you low life dumpster diving maggot.

Exactly! It's not a good company at its core. Nothing but lies and propaganda from this company. They are completely raping customers with the cost of this technology. They are great at overpromising and under delivering! Game about reducing radiation… However, they have absolutely no fucking data to prove it. Worst senior management group I've ever worked with. No strategy, forward thinking, etc. There's a reason the company is sucking wind and the stock is at $1.75.

Gimme some proof DD isn't as good as people say he is, enough w your opinions

What a stupid fabricated point. 99.9 percent of companies on here get bashed by losers who were fired, passed over or put in their place. Oh, also a fair amount of trolls. Please show me the threads of companies where employees are singing their praises you low life dumpster diving maggot.

Speaking of losers who left Avinger, what category did your VP of sales, JD, fall into? Fired, passed over, or put in his place.

I guess you cyber bullies aren't aware of the new strategy I heard we adopted from Zoll, yes Zoll (one of the most profitable medical device companies in the US). Sources say We are now moving forward with the PIP em and then POP em strategy. Underperformers will be turned over and sales will climb. Things are about to turn around!

I guess you cyber bullies aren't aware of the new strategy I heard we adopted from Zoll, yes Zoll (one of the most profitable medical device companies in the US). Sources say We are now moving forward with the PIP em and then POP em strategy. Underperformers will be turned over and sales will climb. Things are about to turn around!

Rapid Fire PIP POP is alive and well!!!

Avinger is a rinky dink TINY fly by night joke. Less than a 175 total employees. This dog won't exist in present form by the fall. Come on over to Abbott and join the 75,000 folks making the big bucks.

I guess you cyber bullies aren't aware of the new strategy I heard we adopted from Zoll, yes Zoll (one of the most profitable medical device companies in the US). Sources say We are now moving forward with the PIP em and then POP em strategy. Underperformers will be turned over and sales will climb. Things are about to turn around!

Maybe someday Avinger will realize that strategies from other companies don't necessarily always work… This is par for the course for Avinger. They have no idea how to think by themselves and come up with their own strategies and that will be what does them in in the end.

Big changes are eminent. The company has it's back up against the wall and investors are getting antsy. Simpson, DD, Rafferty are all either gone or soon to be terminated. New VP of sales and operations will be Jason Whiting from Zoll. Whiting is a fair haired boy with an impressive Guidant background and history of holding people accountable. He's implemented some innovative sales profile hires at Zoll and has turned around a wavering ship.