Aurinia Pharmaceuticals

This company is awful! Over paid executives and people at all levels. They can’t get out of their own way. Hurting for solid data and bleeding cash. Will be no more in 2021!

Benlysta got the nephritis indication.
Dog fight.
over 100 reps for a small indication where only 40 are needed
layoffs Q3
Chemo Cyntrex is hiring for a vasculitis biologic
Opportunity to go to a really unique biologic
Malliincrodt people- you know the leader. You know you're interested. Take a look
GSK has ramped up to make sure that you don't get traction
Good luck. Get resumes ready

Wow! People that troll this site really don't have a clue do they! I had a lunch the other day and the doctor said he hated doing lunches with reps and really have no interest in seeing any of them, but when he found out what drug I had he was thrilled to speak to me! They even called the company to send a rep request. Go back to BIG pharma you troll, while I go in the field every day and actually make bonus.