Aurinia Pharmaceuticals

Recruiter told me today to update my resume. Expects layoffs especially if Biden gets in. GSK looking much better from a contracting perspective.

The economy is booming now and will go through the roof as Corona will just disappear! No shutting down hospitals again as he doesn’t give a Fuck! 4 more years!

Forget about GSK. Our competition will come from Lilly and Janssen with their lupus drugs. They'll get approved for nephritis too. Two good things for Aurenia. 1). you won't be last in class but you won't be first 2) you might have a soft landing after 50% of your sales force is cut by mid-year

Screw the "terminating 50% of the sales force by mid-year, when Biden gets in it'll be by end of March. Massive layoffs. Company selling assets. quickly trying to payoff investors before the nationalization nightmare.

Frankly, either Trump or Biden would have allowed Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices. So the industry will be in a bad place regardless. With Biden, it would be much worse. I feel a little sympathy for the orphan drug status companies but I also relish the thought of what will happen to them. They've been overcharging the market for years, recycling old drugs with new indications and totally taking advantage of the intent of this law. Those Skerilli type companies should be put out of business. I hear that Aurenia is one of them. Good riddance!

“I hear that Aurinia is one of them” First of all, spell the name of the company you are trying to trash correctly. Sounds like someone who couldn’t get hired or is not very intelligent.

Secondly, what a stupid statement. Sounds like what the current President would say... “people are saying”. A complete BS statement based on nothing and no proof. Also, what Aurinia is working on is a brand new molecular entity, not a recirculated older molecule. Think before you type please.

“I hear that Aurinia is one of them” First of all, spell the name of the company you are trying to trash correctly. Sounds like someone who couldn’t get hired or is not very intelligent.

Secondly, what a stupid statement. Sounds like what the current President would say... “people are saying”. A complete BS statement based on nothing and no proof. Also, what Aurinia is working on is a brand new molecular entity, not a recirculated older molecule. Think before you type please.

It's spelled Arineya, right?

Aurinia stock down to 13.49. The past week has not been friendly in the market. Losing an indication and all of the revenue expected. Now, relying on SLE Nephritis- a very small patient type.