Attune will be a great addition. A good way to approach competitive surgeons since most see sigma as an older implant. If a surgeon is more concerned about clinical performance then you always have sigma and LCS in your bag. As stated before, it is not uncommon for a company to launch the primary knee before the revision system is available. My main concern is how long it takes them to launch the attune revision system. If it going to be a while then they really need to consider a way to bridge the attune and sigma revision to get us to that point. The sigma knee revision is a great system and is arguable the best out there. That being said, the system could use some updates to keep it on top of the competition. I would assume those updates won't come until the Attune revision system. This is another reason to be concerned with how far out Attune revision will be.
The hip and knee team are somewhat independent of each other. It's great that we now have a modular Wagner stem and augments now. That has helped some. Those systems still have a lot of pieces that haven't been launched yet. Depuy basically launched the bare bones system to save face and haven't followed it up.