Wheres the Tornier damage control team? Pretty quiet. These horrible reps and managers keep quiting so you can continue to dominate the universe.
I am rolling on the floor with that above post. Now I am stuck freezing my ass of listening to the fur burglars and cumm guzzlers telling me that nothing is wrong and this company is great to work for! Really, pull your head out of the carpet your licking or the brown hole your diving into and get a grip on reality! One little koombiah meeting isnt going to fix the damage that has been done by the drunk Tyrant and his merry band of pupic sniffers and gizzum drinkers! People are running for the door! Nothing you can do to fix it TR or your mornon right hand man VF! Nice work men you have offically ruined this company.
we are all tired of listening to you rant and rave. If you don't like it then leave. You know as well as I do that the training program and certification program are probably the best in the industry. I don't think it's any surprise that ever since this new training program got introduced the sales numbers for this company have started rising significantly. We know it's hard but that's because we want only the best of the best! I for one am saying thank you to the training team because it's their efforts and fantastic program that have made us become the number 1 extremities company in the world! The people complaining on this site are the losers that couldn't handle the world class training. It is our superior clinical knowledge that separates us from the rest of the reps out there and it's because of the world class training and certification process we can make that claim!
we are all tired of listening to you rant and rave. If you don't like it then leave. You know as well as I do that the training program and certification program are probably the best in the industry. I don't think it's any surprise that ever since this new training program got introduced the sales numbers for this company have started rising significantly. We know it's hard but that's because we want only the best of the best! I for one am saying thank you to the training team because it's their efforts and fantastic program that have made us become the number 1 extremities company in the world! The people complaining on this site are the losers that couldn't handle the world class training. It is our superior clinical knowledge that separates us from the rest of the reps out there and it's because of the world class training and certification process we can make that claim!
Hey wizard of Bos... How's the bike shop doing?I'm just catching up on "As the stomach turns" soap opera. This is so spot on. BRAVO to the Ranter & Raver. That's why as former very successful rep as myself left when we saw writing on the wall with the merger, back when TR's cronies Waugh & Gabrial were swinging their dicks around. BTW I love that The White Suited PHD toting Amy Ables, uses best training program in industry as her only job security, (clearly her in above quote) where the hell else could she take a useless skill set except for the Ellen show. As for Terry "Saddam Hussain" Rich evenutally he'll be found in a spider hole somewhere and pay for his war crime against humanity. Please keep the thread coming, what a guilty pleasure.
under... But barelyOver/Under on # of DM's that jump Q1: 5