Please, you can sell science all day. Talk about no shaking, big bottles, dosing, efficacy, potency. When the call backs come in and you've sat with the coordinator, called on the pharmacies, sat in the office and worked with them on how to handle callbacks. Still they get the calls, are told it's not covered, they can't use the coupons, etc, etc, etc. Not making excuses this is how it is. You say listen to the docs, this is what I hear CONSTANTLY!
Oh and let's not forget there's Alcon telling them one bottle, both eyes, much less dosing.
Yep. 3mL value proposition is gone. NSAID decision comes down to:
1) what they like about one drop vs. the other (even though we know the molecules behave differently, everyone knows that they both work. If your customer has put each drop in their own eye or if they've put a patient on Ilevro for 1 eye and Prolensa on the other eye, the patient will give them the positive testimonial on Prolensa & you have a chance to keep the business on the comfort profile).
2) what causes them the least amount of headache on callbacks with insurance (you will likely lose the account in this situation). If it's a ton of headache for Prolensa in your territory, the insurance coverage will supersede whatever perceived benefits Prolensa has over Ilevro.
3) which rep they like better. ($1500 budget for Q3 doesn't help).