Attention HR: this is what we really think

Reps need option of company car or car allowance

Reps should have received stock options when hired

There should be a 401k match

Territories and accounts have been "absorbed" by other reps creating unfair advantages for bonus, stock options, ranking report and trip

Rewards for reps (absorbing accounts/territories, resources, working national society meetings, committee appointments) are often based on favoritism by management and not on the skills/performance of reps

Attempts at open feedback to management is met with hostility and comments such as "if you're not happy then just find another job" and "I'm the manager and I get to make all the decisions"

Managers were not hired based on experience and qualifications

One thing is for sure, the micromanagement is alive and well.

Nothing will change, but at least HR got to practice some HR kind of stuff. Now, they can get back to doing what they do best, exit interviews.

The whole HR exchange breakout was such a farce. No one in their right mind would have ever voiced their real issues. This is one HR department that you could never trust. I wish someone would send an anonymous email to the entire sales force and management and bring up the corrupt rank report then they would be forced to address it in some manner.

The whole HR exchange breakout was such a farce. No one in their right mind would have ever voiced their real issues. This is one HR department that you could never trust. I wish someone would send an anonymous email to the entire sales force and management and bring up the corrupt rank report then they would be forced to address it in some manner.

Maybe they will see one of your 700 posts on here and then they will be clued into your misgivings.

Maybe they will see one of your 700 posts on here and then they will be clued into your misgivings.

Management IS clued into our misgivings, but they don't care; mainly because the gifted accounts/territories were purposely given to their favorite reps. And, since their favorites are making more money, moving up the rankings and going to Costa Rica, the managers are happy and their favorite reps are happy. Cronyism is alive and well at Cadence!

That's why the whole survey and HR breakout session was a farce. They don't care that it's not fair to the rest of us.

Management IS clued into our misgivings, but they don't care; mainly because the gifted accounts/territories were purposely given to their favorite reps. And, since their favorites are making more money, moving up the rankings and going to Costa Rica, the managers are happy and their favorite reps are happy. Cronyism is alive and well at Cadence!

That's why the whole survey and HR breakout session was a farce. They don't care that it's not fair to the rest of us.


703? Right...the number of vials you sold in a month before you were gifted free accounts.

Don't give this psycho anymore attention. He must be on this board 24/7, which is a scary thought. I'm sure they are benefiting from the extra accounts and don't want it properly exposed let alone I'm sure they have mental issues and no real sales talent. Perhaps if we had an ultraviolet light at the meeting, I'm sure we would ave seen a huge L on their forehead.

If someone is computer savvy and knows a way of blasting an email to the entire sales department, please do it as it will quickly frontline this issue.