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Attention Andy Ajello - DCS Overpopulation

Seriously? I thought Post 1 was an arrogant r*****. What makes him think he would be in the half selected to stay? We should all be crossing our fingers that we hold onto out jobs through this setback. Cut Paula and cancel Denmark, sure. But cutting sales is what everyone else does. We should all just keep our mouths shut and be happy that we are tripping over each others dicks. The alternative is not pretty. We can make it work, excuses for why can't access an office or move share are going to get people laid off. Careful what you wish for.

Am I reading you right? Are you advocating faking sales calls, and pretending that our access isn't shrinking by the month? Good thing there are no surprise inspections here like my last company. I know two RBDs that would stroke out if they cooled their heels in between calls as much as we do.

I am advocating nothing of the sort. Simply stating that fixing this broken model will cost jobs. Unless you and I can figure out a way to make it work, see offices, move share and just do our jobs without bitching about low access and too many counterparts (real concerns.) That only comes across to management as excuses for non-performance. It makes the one saying it look bad and a poor salesperson to boot, even if it is the truth. Bottom line? Suck it up, don't try and get a bunch of reps to sign onto what you think is the problem because when the consulting company suggests a smaller footprint for each geography you may be on that list and taking others with you.

Dear Andy Ajello,

Please tell your superiors that job cuts are needed immediately here in the U.S. now that we are no longer launching Tresiba. There aren't enough accessible physicians for the current POD structure. Currently, there is way too much busy work in the field (On Point, DBM & RFT field visits, Trackers, etc) that is a huge distraction to overall sales. I spend more time talking about selling than selling itself. Trust me, this is not by my choice! I am simply doing what I'm told. Andy, does this sound logical to you? Trimming the "fat" in this organization would eliminate many of these meaningless tasks. Cut the sales force in half and allocate more monies towards the Victoza IC pool. Novo is making anywhere between $350-$400+ per prescription. The company can afford it! Fire Paula Deen. What is she doing for Victoza anyway? in her most recent "People" interview, she credits lifestyle changes for her weight loss. Yeah right! lastly, cancel the trip to Denmark and put that money in the IC pool. I would prefer going on vacation with my family not participating in another Novo Spring Break hook- up extravaganza.


Very Concerned Employee

There's a lot of knee-jerk reflex reactions suggested in this post.

I'm sure the ELT will react in a more deliberate manner.

My guess is the ELT mis-calculated in that they thought The FDA would require Novo to conduct a CV trial post-approval of Tresiba ala Victoza. Now we/they know differently. Last November, The FDA Advisory Panel voted 8 to 4 to recommend approval. IMHO, one of those 4 who voted not to recommend approval argued to the powers that be at The FDA that a CVOT was needed PRE-approval. The FDA doesnt want another fiasco like Avandia on their hands, therefore they took the cautious route with Tesiba.

You people wear me out. If you put half as much effort into selling as complaining, Tresiba or any other part of our pipeline would not be an issue to our future success because our entire portfolio would be full of blockbusters. Forget layoffs and all of the uncertainty that has you concerned. Why not submit your resignation today? 'Cause none of you has what it takes to risk the security you have at NNI. r*****s.

You people wear me out. If you put half as much effort into selling as complaining, Tresiba or any other part of our pipeline would not be an issue to our future success because our entire portfolio would be full of blockbusters. Forget layoffs and all of the uncertainty that has you concerned. Why not submit your resignation today? 'Cause none of you has what it takes to risk the security you have at NNI. r*****s.

This rhetoric sounds like its coming from a manager in St. Louis who knows.it.all.

You people wear me out. If you put half as much effort into selling as complaining, Tresiba or any other part of our pipeline would not be an issue to our future success because our entire portfolio would be full of blockbusters. Forget layoffs and all of the uncertainty that has you concerned. Why not submit your resignation today? 'Cause none of you has what it takes to risk the security you have at NNI. r*****s.

Ah the uncertainty...

A woman on my team has a second job. She works her other job on weekends. So I asked her why she does it.

Her answer; "Because it's pharma". You NEVER know. Her husband's in Pharma too. Her answer made complete sense to me.

There are 24 states which have right-to-work laws. A right-to-work state does not even have to have a reason to fire you. Your employment is "at will".

If the downsizing does occur, don't be fooled into thinking you are going to receive a nice severance package. Most likely your total severance package will be the pro-rated number of vacation days that you have accrued since Jan 1st.

There are 24 states which have right-to-work laws. A right-to-work state does not even have to have a reason to fire you. Your employment is "at will".

If the downsizing does occur, don't be fooled into thinking you are going to receive a nice severance package. Most likely your total severance package will be the pro-rated number of vacation days that you have accrued since Jan 1st.

Remember grasshopper, NOTHING original happens at NN you've seen it all before. The "leadership" has been in pharma their whole LIVES and know nothing else or new. Relax

There are 24 states which have right-to-work laws. A right-to-work state does not even have to have a reason to fire you. Your employment is "at will".

If the downsizing does occur, don't be fooled into thinking you are going to receive a nice severance package. Most likely your total severance package will be the pro-rated number of vacation days that you have accrued since Jan 1st.

This message is brought to you by your friendly HR business partner......

Look at Novartis. 5 years ago they had a healthy portfolio with Galvus on the horizon.
Galvus never was approved after they had added many reps and the rest of the story is history. Layoff after layoff and now they are nothing but a company that sells a patch of Alzheimers disease. What you thought was a good opportunity now will become your worst nightmare

Look at Novartis. 5 years ago they had a healthy portfolio with Galvus on the horizon.
Galvus never was approved after they had added many reps and the rest of the story is history. Layoff after layoff and now they are nothing but a company that sells a patch of Alzheimers disease. What you thought was a good opportunity now will become your worst nightmare

Novartis also had thousands more reps than we do. Nice try though.....

This message is brought to you by your friendly HR business partner......

That is correct. Remember dear reps we are here for you! Any questions, complaints, or concerns? Just pick up your phone and give us a call! We would love to hear from you, and we value your input.

Also, rest assured all of your calls to us are 100% confidential. It's between you and your HR partner here at NNI.


YOUR HR team