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Attention Andy Ajello - DCS Overpopulation


Dear Andy Ajello,

Please tell your superiors that job cuts are needed immediately here in the U.S. now that we are no longer launching Tresiba. There aren't enough accessible physicians for the current POD structure. Currently, there is way too much busy work in the field (On Point, DBM & RFT field visits, Trackers, etc) that is a huge distraction to overall sales. I spend more time talking about selling than selling itself. Trust me, this is not by my choice! I am simply doing what I'm told. Andy, does this sound logical to you? Trimming the "fat" in this organization would eliminate many of these meaningless tasks. Cut the sales force in half and allocate more monies towards the Victoza IC pool. Novo is making anywhere between $350-$400+ per prescription. The company can afford it! Fire Paula Deen. What is she doing for Victoza anyway? in her most recent "People" interview, she credits lifestyle changes for her weight loss. Yeah right! lastly, cancel the trip to Denmark and put that money in the IC pool. I would prefer going on vacation with my family not participating in another Novo Spring Break hook- up extravaganza.


Very Concerned Employee


Dear Andy Ajello,

Please tell your superiors that job cuts are needed immediately here in the U.S. now that we are no longer launching Tresiba. There aren't enough accessible physicians for the current POD structure. Currently, there is way too much busy work in the field (On Point, DBM & RFT field visits, Trackers, etc) that is a huge distraction to overall sales. I spend more time talking about selling than selling itself. Trust me, this is not by my choice! I am simply doing what I'm told. Andy, does this sound logical to you? Trimming the "fat" in this organization would eliminate many of these meaningless tasks. Cut the sales force in half and allocate more monies towards the Victoza IC pool. Novo is making anywhere between $350-$400+ per prescription. The company can afford it! Fire Paula Deen. What is she doing for Victoza anyway? in her most recent "People" interview, she credits lifestyle changes for her weight loss. Yeah right! lastly, cancel the trip to Denmark and put that money in the IC pool. I would prefer going on vacation with my family not participating in another Novo Spring Break hook- up extravaganza.


Very Concerned Employee

Amen! Tighten the BUDGETS across the board! Fire Paula Deen, NASCAR driver boy, and other celebrities! save additional monies by eliminating Interface programs, eliminate On Point calls for PODs performing well, cancel the Denemark trip - PLEASE!- let us opt out to stay here and sell Victoza, Levemir and NovoLog! And lastly, just tell us the truth about what will happen to sales force....don't blow hot air up our a-----s and think that we don't see layoffs coming!

You are spot on!!! No matter what they tell us, this is not good news for the future of Novo Nordisk. Does anyone think that this company is just going to go away, NO! However, TWO, not one of our drugs just got pushed back YEARS. We are one of if not the only company still working in PODS. Something needs to give we all know it. Now, how will they pick who stays and who goes?

You are spot on!!! No matter what they tell us, this is not good news for the future of Novo Nordisk. Does anyone think that this company is just going to go away, NO! However, TWO, not one of our drugs just got pushed back YEARS. We are one of if not the only company still working in PODS. Something needs to give we all know it. Now, how will they pick who stays and who goes?

N & 4 reps....gone!!!!

You are spot on!!! No matter what they tell us, this is not good news for the future of Novo Nordisk. Does anyone think that this company is just going to go away, NO! However, TWO, not one of our drugs just got pushed back YEARS. We are one of if not the only company still working in PODS. Something needs to give we all know it. Now, how will they pick who stays and who goes?

Correction: This is not good for the EMPLOYEES of Novo Nordisk. How they pick who stays and who goes will be key.

Today, it does seem like Novo management counted their chickens before they hatched. And IMHO, because they jumped the gun on Tresiba by hiring so many new Reps, they will take corrective action. It could very well be that some of the newly hired rep's will stay, while some longer tenured rep's will be shown the door.

You are spot on!!! No matter what they tell us, this is not good news for the future of Novo Nordisk. Does anyone think that this company is just going to go away, NO! However, TWO, not one of our drugs just got pushed back YEARS. We are one of if not the only company still working in PODS. Something needs to give we all know it. Now, how will they pick who stays and who goes?

Good point however, you mean THREE, not just two of our drugs got pushed back YEARS (Degludec, DegludecAspart and DegludecLira) ??

Dear Andy Ajello,

Please tell your superiors that job cuts are needed immediately here in the U.S. now that we are no longer launching Tresiba. There aren't enough accessible physicians for the current POD structure. Currently, there is way too much busy work in the field (On Point, DBM & RFT field visits, Trackers, etc) that is a huge distraction to overall sales. I spend more time talking about selling than selling itself. Trust me, this is not by my choice! I am simply doing what I'm told. Andy, does this sound logical to you? Trimming the "fat" in this organization would eliminate many of these meaningless tasks. Cut the sales force in half and allocate more monies towards the Victoza IC pool. Novo is making anywhere between $350-$400+ per prescription. The company can afford it! Fire Paula Deen. What is she doing for Victoza anyway? in her most recent "People" interview, she credits lifestyle changes for her weight loss. Yeah right! lastly, cancel the trip to Denmark and put that money in the IC pool. I would prefer going on vacation with my family not participating in another Novo Spring Break hook- up extravaganza.


Very Concerned Employee

Novo can't fire Paula Deen. Not without buying out her contract. And I'm sure Paula's lawyers were sharp enough to put in a clause regarding a huge penalty for Novo if they terminate the contract early.

Chances are good that Novo cant cancel the Denmark cruise either. The Cruise line probably had something regarding cancellation written into that contract too.

It just isn't as easy as people think it is to do the kinds of things you've recommended. Now terminating Rep's employment, that's a horse of a different color. What Rep do you know that has an employment contract with Novo?

Does anyone else think it is funny how in Vegas they made it like Tresiba was the end all be all. Now that is it not coming to the US market, it's really not that big of a deal. We are all grownups we can handle the truth! Please quit making everything seem perfect when we all know it isnt.

Correction: This is not good for the EMPLOYEES of Novo Nordisk. How they pick who stays and who goes will be key.

Today, it does seem like Novo management counted their chickens before they hatched. And IMHO, because they jumped the gun on Tresiba by hiring so many new Reps, they will take corrective action. It could very well be that some of the newly hired rep's will stay, while some longer tenured rep's will be shown the door.

As of this moment, NNI's stock price has dropped -26.52. Most likely the stock will continue its descent for the next 2-3 days, or until corporate can assure the shareholders as to what corrective action it will be taking.

I agree that downsizing will have to occur. My guess is that the newly hired reps have a better chance of staying with Novo than more tenured, higher paid reps. But, not in all cases. As usual, it is the reps within the POD that the DBM likes the most that will get to stay.

Welcome to "NNI Survivor: A REAL reality show"

As of this moment, NNI's stock price has dropped -26.52. Most likely the stock will continue its descent for the next 2-3 days, or until corporate can assure the shareholders as to what corrective action it will be taking.

I agree that downsizing will have to occur. My guess is that the newly hired reps have a better chance of staying with Novo than more tenured, higher paid reps. But, not in all cases. As usual, it is the reps within the POD that the DBM likes the most that will get to stay.

Welcome to "NNI Survivor: A REAL reality show"

No doubt that the delay will serve to intensify the competition between Rep's in any given POD. All will be looking to curry favor with their DBM, and will probably pull out all the stops to be seen in the best possible light.

Newly hired lesser paid Rep's will probably have a leg up on some of their competition. If you think it was bad before, just wait, I think things are going to get even more vicious.

There is no way that they are going to leave the decision up to the managers. It will be an outside comopany like every other pharma company has done. Leaving the decision up to the managers leaves to much room for lawsuits.

Amen! Tighten the BUDGETS across the board! Fire Paula Deen, NASCAR driver boy, and other celebrities! save additional monies by eliminating Interface programs, eliminate On Point calls for PODs performing well, cancel the Denemark trip - PLEASE!- let us opt out to stay here and sell Victoza, Levemir and NovoLog! And lastly, just tell us the truth about what will happen to sales force....don't blow hot air up our a-----s and think that we don't see layoffs coming!

I cant form an opinion until I hear from our undercover CP corporate shills (42 consecutive quarter guy and the DBM that loves allcaps, curses, and insults).

Post #1, you are spot on!!! And yes, Denmark with a bunch of stupid unfaithful drunks. No thanks!!! I would rather be on a summer vacation with my family thanks!! Save the money!!

Novo can't fire Paula Deen. Not without buying out her contract. And I'm sure Paula's lawyers were sharp enough to put in a clause regarding a huge penalty for Novo if they terminate the contract early.

Chances are good that Novo cant cancel the Denmark cruise either. The Cruise line probably had something regarding cancellation written into that contract too.

It just isn't as easy as people think it is to do the kinds of things you've recommended. Now terminating Rep's employment, that's a horse of a different color. What Rep do you know that has an employment contract with Novo?

OMG!!!! You're right. What will the packages look like?

Seriously? I thought Post 1 was an arrogant r*****. What makes him think he would be in the half selected to stay? We should all be crossing our fingers that we hold onto out jobs through this setback. Cut Paula and cancel Denmark, sure. But cutting sales is what everyone else does. We should all just keep our mouths shut and be happy that we are tripping over each others dicks. The alternative is not pretty. We can make it work, excuses for why can't access an office or move share are going to get people laid off. Careful what you wish for.