atridox is about to make you go poof!

The only thing that will make us go poof is our management. They have no interest in patient care or representatives abilities and experience. Make money is their goal and screw the sales force. I can still remember the good ol' days when the sales force was appreciated and the company showed it by treating us as the professionals we are. They are driving OP into the ground and screw the patients, the doctors and the AM's is their attitude.

I agree! Its very sad that such a great product has such poor upper management right now

Ok. As a clinician who is completely free from either company, I can say that Arestin is a superior product any way you slice it. The chance that Tolmar will take any significant market share from Orapharma is just BS. Look at the research and the sell design. Studies without scaling and root planing? Really? It's as if to say money and sales is the only goal, not patient care or improving treatment outcomes. And if the PI is followed the price difference is virtually non existent! Unmeasured antibiotic and ucontrolled placement can't guarantee that the infected pockets are even being treated effectively! Not to mention that if patient cost, patient care and patient accessibility were of concern, then your company would strive to make the product re-imbursement accessible through medical benefits like OP did!
I'd LOVE to see how you'd 'sell' your product if you actually had to. I've used the whatever FREE toothpaste I get from my office to brush, but when I found myself on vaca with no TP, I bought the superior brand not the cheapest!

I stumbled on this site and hade to chime in. As a clinidian also, I have use both atridox and arestin for multiple years. With out a doubt, atridox is the far superior product. Both are clinically similar, so the deciding factor is cost to my office and my patients. for a single tooth, arestin is great. But for comprehensive care and full mouth periodontal therapy, atidox is the most cost effective by leaps and bounds. Just do the simple math and an easy decision.

Is Atridox even still on the market? How do they stay in business when they have less than 5% of the LAA market which is 95% Arestin? I literally never give them a moment of thought in my busy day.

Does anyone (even Atridox reps who didn't leave when they should have) think this is actually been a competition for the past 10 years???? I can guarantee you the Arestin reps do not. Gee, I can't wait to see how this sorriest "battle" I've ever seen turns out...

Is Atridox even still on the market? How do they stay in business when they have less than 5% of the LAA market which is 95% Arestin? I literally never give them a moment of thought in my busy day.

Does anyone (even Atridox reps who didn't leave when they should have) think this is actually been a competition for the past 10 years???? I can guarantee you the Arestin reps do not. Gee, I can't wait to see how this sorriest "battle" I've ever seen turns out...
Atridox is about Zila's fifth product, if that. Arestin has only one competitor, Atridox. Zila sells a portfolio of products and is more concerned with capital equipment than some antibacterial agent.