atridox is about to make you go poof!

haha! whatch out we're coming to take away your market share!

Sure. If the clinician is willing to place a periodontal dressing (your PI says it is needed), mix the product, and then allow the gel to prevent clinical attachment for the 14 days it is in there with no antimicrobial effects.

The only benefit of Atridox is price, and even then you get your ass handed to you for the simple fact that you need to treat 9 sites with a cartridge to beat Arestin.

You may get small wins here and there, but eventually they will come back. Oh, and just hope Tolmar doesn't license it off again and you will be out of a job.

You've tried and got an order here and there but you're not even close to cutting into my share. Once they(no one in my Top 50) use the product they complain and do not want to re-order.

Is anyone else encountering Tolmar reps in their territories? I'm about to lose one of my biggest accounts to atridox... what gives with these guys.. atridox sucks and I can't believe they would use it...

Yes we have an Atridox rep here. They are hitting some of my offices that will let them in. Problem for them is that have to give it away. No office will buy it. HA HA I thought sales was to make money.

Tolmar has sold the stuff three or four times because they can't sell it (just give it away) so get ready for another sale and a new sales force. Ever heard of karma, you laughing jackass. It comes back to bite you. You come on our board to try to rub your non-sales in our faces. We just keep smiling and listen to hygenists complain about how hard Atridox is to use and they refuse. So laugh away while we keep our great customers.

What is your problem? Go away and bother some other board. You are making an ass of yourself. Everyone knows about your crummy drug. Why are you bragging about an non-existant take over of our customers? You haven't been able to do it for years why would you suddenly be able to convince these docs and hyg that your crummy stuff is suddenly a wonder treatment? We all know that you will be gone soon so we are not even interested in your bragging. Are you so bored with selling that you would rather post here?

Made goal last quarter so taking a day off today and tomorrow (payed) and just had to pop in to see if you were at work or not. Better get out there instead of posting because you didn't make goal last quarter so you had better get started and keeep giving away your stuff. Oh, wait, you give it away, how can you make goal if offices don't have to pay for it. Not worried about market share, just the sales (see we don't give it away we sell it and make bonus on sales not market share).

Don't go away mad, just go away! Careful you are about to go poof. Just what does that mean? Go poof, how weird!

What is your problem? Go away and bother some other board. You are making an ass of yourself. Everyone knows about your crummy drug. Why are you bragging about an non-existant take over of our customers? You haven't been able to do it for years why would you suddenly be able to convince these docs and hyg that your crummy stuff is suddenly a wonder treatment? We all know that you will be gone soon so we are not even interested in your bragging. Are you so bored with selling that you would rather post here?

Made goal last quarter so taking a day off today and tomorrow (payed) and just had to pop in to see if you were at work or not. Better get out there instead of posting because you didn't make goal last quarter so you had better get started and keeep giving away your stuff. Oh, wait, you give it away, how can you make goal if offices don't have to pay for it. Not worried about market share, just the sales (see we don't give it away we sell it and make bonus on sales not market share).

Don't go away mad, just go away! Careful you are about to go poof. Just what does that mean? Go poof, how weird!
orapharma is still around? wow. what's going on with that membrane that you guys were selling

atridox is 50 mg, arestin is 1 mg..and is twice the price per site. that's a total rip off. break even point is 3 sites, not 9. arestin is 20 bucks a carpule, atridox is 60 a syringe. you do the math...basic finance.

Hey.... Why is Atridox so expensive? Dentist is trying to get me to buy a program. $600.00 for the atibiotic and not covered by insurance. Isn't there something else out there less expensive??!!

Ok. As a clinician who is completely free from either company, I can say that Arestin is a superior product any way you slice it. The chance that Tolmar will take any significant market share from Orapharma is just BS. Look at the research and the sell design. Studies without scaling and root planing? Really? It's as if to say money and sales is the only goal, not patient care or improving treatment outcomes. And if the PI is followed the price difference is virtually non existent! Unmeasured antibiotic and ucontrolled placement can't guarantee that the infected pockets are even being treated effectively! Not to mention that if patient cost, patient care and patient accessibility were of concern, then your company would strive to make the product re-imbursement accessible through medical benefits like OP did!
I'd LOVE to see how you'd 'sell' your product if you actually had to. I've used the whatever FREE toothpaste I get from my office to brush, but when I found myself on vaca with no TP, I bought the superior brand not the cheapest!

The only thing that will make us go poof is our management. They have no interest in patient care or representatives abilities and experience. Make money is their goal and screw the sales force. I can still remember the good ol' days when the sales force was appreciated and the company showed it by treating us as the professionals we are. They are driving OP into the ground and screw the patients, the doctors and the AM's is their attitude.

atridox is 50 mg, arestin is 1 mg..and is twice the price per site. that's a total rip off. break even point is 3 sites, not 9. arestin is 20 bucks a carpule, atridox is 60 a syringe. you do the math...basic finance.

Ummmm...Great point!...Except, that only minimal antibiotic is necessary to effect periodontal pathogens and the 50 mg is distributed over 7 days vs 21 for Arestin! How is medicating patients with unnecessary antibiotic a good thing? But at least Atridox leaves a sitcky waxy substance between the tooth and periodontal pocket for an addition 14 day... So no scaling and root planing and a substance that traps and harbors remaining bacteria for additional 2 weeks! That's just stellar patient care!
I will say, regarding making money, a few of my perios appreciate thier increase in production when they have to perform surgery and spend additional time removing residual "resorbable" polymer!