Atlanta Meeting


Dallas goes down as the worst meeting ever in pharmaceutical sales history. Start to finish disaster on every level. Visible proof how little Novartis thinks of its sales reps.
It was so horrendous. You could forgive the ice storm, travel issues, and evening meals as uncontrollable, but not ordering enough food for lunch, keeping us late every damn day, the lack of self awareness of all the presenters, not the least of which was Duane getting booed while people walked out, having a hotel an hour away from the airport, staying in a hotel with not enough elevators to accommodate us moving en masse…. I think giving is that 99 cent water bottle just topped it off.

They should have cancelled this meeting once Debby became a hurricane.
Two things have irrevocably changed the landscape, Teams and Climate Change.
It is simply idiotic to schedule large meetings anymore because you have no clue if you will be up against tornados, hurricanes, ice storms, extreme heat or blizzards.
At most, in-person meetings should be district level so you avoid embarrassing, non-productive debacles like Dallas and, potentially, Atlanta. It is only going to get worse.
As for Teams, it is easy, convenient and just as productive as being in person. They learned this during COVID. Why they refuse to acknowledge it is anyone's guess.

Two things have irrevocably changed the landscape, Teams and Climate Change.
It is simply idiotic to schedule large meetings anymore because you have no clue if you will be up against tornados, hurricanes, ice storms, extreme heat or blizzards.
At most, in-person meetings should be district level so you avoid embarrassing, non-productive debacles like Dallas and, potentially, Atlanta. It is only going to get worse.
As for Teams, it is easy, convenient and just as productive as being in person. They learned this during COVID. Why they refuse to acknowledge it is anyone's guess.
It has to do with money and everyone in management justifying their miserable existence. Spending money and inconveniencing people for no good reason to provide no value for anyone is always the moa of upper management. They could care less about storms or inconveniences to anyone. They have their agenda and it's all about them doing their thing in the hopes that they look good to their supervisors. The ineptitude and lack of any common sense of upper management is truly sad.

Bring your learning caps and be prepared to learn how to increase your reach and frequency. Your product messaging skills will be developed and will be tested in your role play certs. The energy levels will be high. Our training and development team asks that you come prepared to grow your craft. Good seedling.

It was so horrendous. You could forgive the ice storm, travel issues, and evening meals as uncontrollable, but not ordering enough food for lunch, keeping us late every damn day, the lack of self awareness of all the presenters, not the least of which was Duane getting booed while people walked out, having a hotel an hour away from the airport, staying in a hotel with not enough elevators to accommodate us moving en masse…. I think giving is that 99 cent water bottle just topped it off.
The meeting was fine. I brought plenty of sweet leaf.

The meeting was fine. I brought plenty of sweet leaf.
So typical meeting. Spend 2 days listening to a bunch of dumb asses trying to justify their jobs by rolling out a bunch of shit that the field will likely never use. Eat nasty greasy free food and drink cheap booze. Maybe slap some skin back in the room with an old fling and then hop a flight back home with nasty heart burn and sleep deprivation . Some things never change.

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