AstraZeneca pays $250K for Sex Discrimination against sales reps

dont forget a protected class around layoffs.
It is getting harder to be an overpaid, over 40, white male in this country.
There was a time when a guy (see above) with avg intelligency could make a good living. Now no longer special

Anyone have more information about this and how to get involved? I'm open to the criticisms on this board but sexist acts and harassment drove me to leave the company and I was a rep in one of the states mentioned.

How about looking at the layoffs in November 2009 when 29 or so people in the Boston area were let go and 28 of them were women? And, I think they were also women over 40. I strongly feel the documentation used to rank some of these women so that they would get axed was misreported to save the jobs of some men. Just sayin' . . . There is no bigger old boy network at AZ than the R.I. district. And I don't mean Rhode Island.

dont forget a protected class around layoffs.
It is getting harder to be an overpaid, over 40, white male in this country.
There was a time when a guy (see above) with avg intelligency could make a good living. Now no longer special

Same for women (overpaid OR underpaid) without the "kid" excuses - no kids

There were 28 women let go in 2009 because all the men were already let go in 2007 and 2008. AZ is still more women than men in sales. One NE dsm was told to back fill his last two hires with men as he had gotten rid of all the men.
RI is not Rhode Island?
Everyone is special! THe difference is the level of specialness. Retarded special, special in your own mind, special talented. Of course, there are different degrees of those levels based on gender, race, age, religion, networking, beauty, weight, etc

My partner is a man and is out more due to his kids than anyone else on our team. Anyone posting that women are out more due to children being ill etc. is sexist! Whether someone is male or female is beside the point, if they're lazy they're lazy and lazy people work in all kinds of jobs and industries not just with this shit company. Anyone who is not being paid fairly should sue and good for them when they get some money!

How about looking at the layoffs in November 2009 when 29 or so people in the Boston area were let go and 28 of them were women? And, I think they were also women over 40. I strongly feel the documentation used to rank some of these women so that they would get axed was misreported to save the jobs of some men. Just sayin' . . . There is no bigger old boy network at AZ than the R.I. district. And I don't mean Rhode Island.
These layoffs were done by a pathetic female RSM followed by cowardly female DSMs. The women who were let go were those who chose not to be facegook friends with their manager and failed to compliment her DSM on a regular basis. It is just a matter of time before these fake, poor excuse for a leader women will be looking for a job and guess what, nobody wants you.

dont forget a protected class around layoffs.
It is getting harder to be an overpaid, over 40, white male in this country.
There was a time when a guy (see above) with avg intelligency could make a good living. Now no longer special

Do your homework Bozo. During the last layoffs in 2009, 28 out of 29 people who lost their jobs in the New England Region were women...protected? The good news is during the next round of massive layoffs chances are you will be gone, too.