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AstraZeneca Case Study


Years from now business students will read about AstraZeneca in text books. The case study will cover "what happens when an organization stops focusing on R&D and focuses only on marketing". Myopic will be a word used to describe the demise of AZ.

Hold your head high SLT. You're providing education for the masses.

and they became ashamed to admit that we are a selling organization that strives to make a profit. When the brand teams started running the show, it was the beginning of the end.

yes, AZ castrated this sales force

the real shame is all those in leadership didn't have the balls to make changes, instead they cowered and let it happen to them. When you don't stand up for whats right this is what happens.

No courage in this company, just a bunch of people afraid of their shadows

I can only hope those who leave wake up and realize what a fetched company this is

yes, AZ castrated this sales force

the real shame is all those in leadership didn't have the balls to make changes, instead they cowered and let it happen to them. When you don't stand up for whats right this is what happens.

No courage in this company, just a bunch of people afraid of their shadows

I can only hope those who leave wake up and realize what a fetched company this is

you're missing the point. This was all according to senior leadership's plan. They have been planning to dramatically downsize for years. They even told us so. They knew there would be no more new blockbuster products. Any new products they get are just window dressing. Cut R&D, sales, operations, etc. in order as needed as the company is slowly shut down. The plan is to essentially dissolve the enterprise. Merger with a successful company is the goal. They won't want the baggage, so the dirty work is being done now. Leadership will get paid and then out as well.