Your are correct but I can't help pointing out that this is because of J&J not DePuy. Synthes will soon become J&J ized. It doesn't matter how much they don't want it to happen or how often they declare it won't happen. It sure as hell will.

Who cares what Depuy was, we ARE JnJ now. We are now as corrupt as they come. Won't be long before synthes is run into the ground also. Amazing how fast the JnJ disease spreads.

I wish I was smart enough to have known ASR was going to be a disaster. I would have never let a customer put them in. We kept being told how wonderful it was......thanks for ruining the sales force credibility!

And patients lives! How many of those at JnJ who knew the problem recommended ASR to their family members or friends. '0'. Question is how Many of your family members or friends did you recommend ASR for? Shouldn't we who were lied to and sold the implant be able to sue for damages also. I know I feel horrible for the ones that I was part of. Especially after recommending it to my friend. Is there anything we can do about it?

MAJOR KUDOS to Dan Harrington in Montana for telling his surgeon NOT to use it as soon as he got wind that there were issues. It's obvious the sales force didn't know but now they're left with this shadow over them. If the sales reps and distributors really knew what the inside thinks of them they'd go else where. At one time if the sales force didn't like you you wouldn't make it on the inside. I was actually told that by more than one of the DEPUY managers. Now it's as if the sales force are the enemy. I can't tell you how many times I've heard marketing managers cut down the sales force. It's a damn shame where we are today.

Where does DePuy go from here? How do you want them to start their resserection from this mess?

Firing Ekdahl, Kilburn and Polly would be a really good start. These people just keep getting promoted. It's amazing. Anyone who knew about what was really going on with ASR and didn't report it should be gone. No discussion.

Miss NoaNoa maybe. I'd need to understand the categories though? If any of them involve speaking or being kind or showing compassion or intelligence... Uhhhh, no

Agreed. Allow me to ask, does the lack of showing compassion, being kind, having some intelligence, sum up this entire ASR/DePuy situation? I'm guessing she learned these traits in order to get ahead by mimicking her bosses and the people around her. The more they approved of this behavior, the more it came out.

I wonder if being terminated could be the best thing that happens to these people mentioned? In every conversation I have had with Polly she refers to herself as a J&J girl and it seems to be her entire identity. Is this the same with the others? Do they perceive themselves as bulletproof?

Bullet proof is exactly how I would describe their behavior. I'd throw in a couple of other words, self absorbed, self important, vain, pompous, narcissistic are just a few that come to mind. I hope they all get put in the same cell. A J&J girl.... Sickening.

Bullet proof is exactly how I would describe their behavior. I'd throw in a couple of other words, self absorbed, self important, vain, pompous, narcissistic are just a few that come to mind. I hope they all get put in the same cell. A J&J girl.... Sickening.

Classic "big fish, small pond" situation. All of these people think they walk on Winona Lake, but none of them have the game or spine to leave. That's why they all fight so hard to get into positions of authority, then fight like hell to stay there. They'll Take out anybody who challenges them, or threatens to expose them for the frauds they are. Why do you think Berman left? I'm sure the kind and gentle conversation Kilburn described on the stand was basically, "you got a problem with this and how we're handling it, then you need to leave". And Polly is the biggest joke of all. Never done anything, delivered anything, or accomplished anything.

Classic "big fish, small pond" situation. All of these people think they walk on Winona Lake, but none of them have the game or spine to leave. That's why they all fight so hard to get into positions of authority, then fight like hell to stay there. They'll Take out anybody who challenges them, or threatens to expose them for the frauds they are. Why do you think Berman left? I'm sure the kind and gentle conversation Kilburn described on the stand was basically, "you got a problem with this and how we're handling it, then you need to leave". And Polly is the biggest joke of all. Never done anything, delivered anything, or accomplished anything.

This could describe each company in Warsaw.

She's never had to because all the upper manage MEN t all seem to reeeaaallly like her. I remember once over hearing Kilburn telling her what an awesome job she had done. All the ego stroking is what part of what has happened to DePuy Warsaw. Like the other posts said, a former casting PD- Kilburn and a Canadian Sales rep that couldn't cut the mustard- Eldahl are the leaders? In 2000 Ekdahl was only a lil ole Product Director. How the hell did he qualify for president? I must be blind.