JnJ attorney only one still saying the device was not effective while everyone from JnJ are testifying that it was pulled because of poor results aka defective device. JnJ is doing the work of prosecutors for them..... What is going on with this inconsistency?

"Second DePuy ASR Hip Implant Trial Now Underway in Illinois State Court

March 13, 2013

Just days after a California jury ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $8.3 million in damages to a man poisoned by its recalled DePuy ASR hip implant, a second state court trial over the ASR implant is already underway, this time in Illinois. Opening statements were heard March 11, 2013, in Cook County Superior Court in Chicago in the case of plaintiff Carol Strum against J&J’s DePuy Orthopedics subsidiary.

Carol Strum’s Lawyer: ‘DePuy Knew’

Carol Strum is a 54-year-old Illinois nurse whose DePuy ASR hip implant failed after just three years, requiring her to undergo a difficult revision surgery to replace the device. Strum’s attorney told jurors in an opening statement that “the ASR design flaws caused it to shed chromium and metal debris” into the tissue surrounding Ms. Strum’s hip. “Before Carol Strum ever had the ASR put into her body,” he said, “DePuy knew that the design flaws in this defective device could cause it to shed those particles into patients, causing tissue death, causing high blood metal ion levels and the need for the serious and unnecessary second surgery.”

Strum’s attorney went on to tell jurors that while DePuy executives discovered the device flaws in 2008 and commissioned a redesign project, the redesign was ultimately scrapped and the device remained on the market for another two years. Prior to issuing a global recall in August 2010, the company’s executives never once mentioned the device’s risks to the doctors they sold it to.” If they had,” he said, “We would not be here today.”

My mom finally passed away after a long tough struggled rom complications directly related to her ASR implants. She had them removed but it was to late, it did its damage. Good luck to those who are suffering. RIP mom.

I donated all of my ASR commission to cancer research. Tried to get anyone else from Depuy to throw in with me and nobody would. I was in fact told not to make it a big deal by management. Never been so happy to not be employeed by JnJ.

To me this isnt about an employee at DePuy.. I did not come on this chat board to read about staplers. Although, FUNNY! I do not walk around blaiming every person. I blame the big wigs. The ones who make the decisions. I highly doubt that every employee at DePuy voted to keep such a product on the market.

My problem is that this has gone one way to long. Its not like Aug 2010 was the start of my problems or economin affect. Truth be told... I just wanna hear some good news. I been following case in Prince George County Maryland and Gorsky is a no show to give his desposition and they have asked for sanctions. Problem is I think some cases are being settled and no one is learning about them and true amount. My lawyer last word to me was they where hoping to hear some true settlement talk by end of year toward begining of next.

Whats your opinion on this?

Also don't grade me grammar or spelling.. Its too early to care

I'll do you one better i had AVN avascular necrosis from too much steroid use because my docs didn't want to up my pain meds so they collapsed my femoral head on both side. Both femoral heads exploded like an eggshell with massive fluid when i got ASR. The pain from the first 2 surgeries 41 days apart was unbearable. I begged God to kill me. I immediately knew after PT that the right had already failed and the left was 2/3 way there. It took 2 years to convince the doctor to take out the right one first. He found 8 pseudo-tumors and black necrotic tissue everywhere. I lost quality use of my thyroid, eyesight, hearing, couldn't play golf or snow ski ever again and I was only 45. The revisions are now failing after 3 and 4 years and causing excruciating groin pain upon rising etc.. My surgeries initially were in 2009 when they already knew the worst. I was conned by my lawyer to take the MDL bullshit and have seen the 2 revision payments and 1 eif part a for being under 50. so far i have gotten net $260,000 and my life is poop. Been in rehab 3 times thinking i was an addict but found out i was just under treated, attempted suicide in 2012 after first revision when doctor went on vacation and didn't leave me any refill pain meds after my first revision.
I have 3-4 degrees of foot drop on left foot but since they didn't diagnose it in the hospital i can't get paid on that either. How the hell can anyone be diagnosed with foot drop after an epidural and full hip replacement. You have no leg strength to test it with.
I am between 50-59 now with no life and I take more narcotics than you could imagine, I thought the payout for those with problems continued and no healing in that age segment got $189,000 for moderate pain and lack of hope, wish you were already done, and the severe patients in the 50-59 group were supposed to get over $230,000 roughly. I haven't seen anything impressive to even come close to what they took from me.I have Part B EIF claims for misc major complications opioid dependence and psychological issues for both sides so 2 claims. What are they worth. Better be 6 figures for each side. 2 dislocations only get 20,000 each because they were reduced closed...did it hurt any less???
I am trying to get a VA mortgage and all my co pays to the hospitals labs docs everyone are all on my credit and haven't been paid.
My major complications are the ones that fall under the 50-59 at $189,000 for both sides as well as not being paid for dislocation and was paid $116,000 for my age at the first revision age 49 but the next year at 50 they only gave me $12,000. Why the disparity for such a short period of time.should of at least been half at $82,000.
I was an All American athlete in college and my legs are worth more than $216,000. If DePuy doesn't pony up some bigger checks for major complications, I'll refuse and sue everybody anyway. The release wasn't without prejudice so i'm gonna see how much value they put in a punitive situation like mine. I can withdraw from MDL and get a court date. J and J will do anything for the bottom line. Even ruin a 45 y/o man's life, sex life with his new wife, can't mow the grass, take out the trash. My wife has said she still doesn't have a husband because I am so messed up but imagine your 5 year wife saying mean stuff like that to you because Depuy had to make that last 50 billion. I need enough to buy a home and car for my wife in case something happens to me since I have such major complications.
My lawyer talked me into this crappy settlement in 2013 3 years later could have already had a court date, and upheld in appeals.
And why are we paying another 5% for the committee's fund and 2% for their expenses. Especially when I'm already paying my lawyer 40%.
Somebody hit me back and let me know what they think the ruination of a 45 y/o mans life is worth not to mention the reduction in morbidity and mortality for hip arthroplasty between 40-50 of 32-37%. I am living on borrowed time. I feel that $500,000 net to me after the lawyer and committee gets their cut is fair. Am I crazy for feeling used by my legal counsel, pissed at the medical professional as a whole and just disappointed in mankind....

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