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As an African-American male employee, I'm so disappointed....

True, 4 CEOs left the President's council...20 CEOs stayed and I'm sure more will come. I don't take Merck drugs, wear UnderArmour, drive a Telsa or shop at Walmart.
Exactly. Who cares about them. Let them go. There are better out there. What a great press conference for Trump. Both sides are to blame. I love the fake news media blasting one side. One side had a permit to march. The other side had no business being there.

Dear Ken Frazier, (Merck CEO)

As an African-American male employee, I'm so disappointed....

I have always been proud to have been an employee of this great company, until now. As our CEO, you have many things to be proud except your actions for today. Why? According to your statement, President Trump's missed opportunity to call out the racial extremist by name was against his moral conscience. The fact is this, the president called our racial bigotry and all those involved within hours and then today (48 hours later), but because he did not go further, so you resigned from white house council? The hypocrisy!!!

Where was your moral conscience when:

1) When Ferguson, Mo was burning to the ground, President Obama, how I voted for waited 4 days before he said anything! Then did nothing...

2) Trayvon Martin was killed, it was weeks before he said anything... but "If I had a son he look like Trayvon"

3) Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas, TX got the Dallas polices shot up and a cop killed! Then Obama invited Black Lives Matter to the white house.... Think if Trump invited David Duke to the white house???

Three examples, but your moral compass was quite when the president we both voted for played us as African Americans.... Today, you allowed your lack of emotional stability and poor leadership skills to put our great company in jeopardy. How can you judge President Trump by one standard but totally ignore when President Obama did much, much, much worst!

We needed you as a black leader at the table for policy change and to rise above the media agenda.... to be a force for change in the pharma industry and aboard! Now, your political correctness has endangered any drugs that Merck could ever bring to market under this administration.

I wish that you would have consulted the president about this issue and now policies will be implanted and Merck will not have that advantage! You acted emotionally immature, only for the president to call out the racial extremist hours later... Merck will never hire another African American CEO again.... Your making black CEOs look really bad...

After today, I'm switching political party affiliation, I finally see why my conservative friends complain about political correctness... I'm voting for Trump next time and you played a major role in my decision. Please stop watching CNN, and watch more diverse opinions.

Thanks for letting us down,

Sales Rep,

You're not fooling anyone, cracker. You're as white as they come! Maybe if that car would have killed someone in your family you'd see things more clearly.
It is not a white or black thing. Don't turn it into that. This is a freedom thing. People have a right to protest things you may or may not agree on. It's called being in America. The person who did that horrible act will be in jail forever. Personally I think it's too good for him. This whole thing is stupid. People are getting hurt because of believes? Both sides have no real power. The media is feeding into it. I don't think the CEO's should have left. They were there to help America. Trump has no real power. What has he passed? He has done nothing and will continue to do so. Who really has time to protest? They are the bottom of the barrel slime with nothing better to do. It's OK to protest peacefully. Once they touch someone or destroy something they are no longer a protester. They are a criminals. They should be treated like one. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wrote a great article on this very thing. It's not a race issue. It's a lower class issue. It does not matter the color of your skin.

It is not a white or black thing. Don't turn it into that. This is a freedom thing. People have a right to protest things you may or may not agree on. It's called being in America. The person who did that horrible act will be in jail forever. Personally I think it's too good for him. This whole thing is stupid. People are getting hurt because of believes? Both sides have no real power. The media is feeding into it. I don't think the CEO's should have left. They were there to help America. Trump has no real power. What has he passed? He has done nothing and will continue to do so. Who really has time to protest? They are the bottom of the barrel slime with nothing better to do. It's OK to protest peacefully. Once they touch someone or destroy something they are no longer a protester. They are a criminals. They should be treated like one. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wrote a great article on this very thing. It's not a race issue. It's a lower class issue. It does not matter the color of your skin.

I agree with many of your points and others that I many not agree with but totally respect!

Yes, we have the right to protest ... however, others have the right to protest your protest! Example.... Colin Kaepernick, then the NFL protested his tenure as a player...

But you're right this isn't a race thing! I'm only arguing race with this RACIST Nazi telling me that I'm not black on cafepharma!!!

If you protest everything they have no power....

Ferguson, Baltimore and BLM... ALL protest that accomplished very little... other than giving a few people a platform.

Back to the point at hand... I'm very disppointed Kem acted very EMOTIONALLY unprofessional for a CEO... we needed a Black man at that table with the president... Dr. ML King was called a Coon for meeting with President Johnson, but this is the only reason Dr. King was the only civil rights leader to change the laws... Dr. King wouldn't agree with Ken on this one...

Your calling me names of hate??? I'm confused.

Secondly, when the cops pull me over trust me, I'm very black! YOU WILL NEVER KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS...

Thirdly, Trump denounced all forms of bigotry and racism the same day! He only took a neutral position. (OBAMA IGNORED FERGUSON FOR 4 DAYS AND THEN BARELY SAID ANYTHING)

Lastly, you're the racist! The new bread of racist.... you're the type of white boy that benefits from the oppression of black folks.... More than likely, you're a pervert and non Christian, thus, ride the coattails of black oppression to legalize other perverted politics.... Yes, your ideology is the new KKK. YOU use need to racism, because of your intellectual laziness.... everyone that has a different opinion is not a racist.

I'm sick of this crap from liberals. Affirmative action was for correcting the wrongs of slavery and Jim Crow, until liberals changed it to MINORITIES....now white women benefit more from Affirmative Action than blacks do.... 7 to 1 in some states...

You all only play is to get black folks mad, then say, up.... the Republican party is racist and how they treat black folks, that's how they treat white women and LGBT.... I'm offended, when you have a slave boat, stripped of history and legal property, not a person then you can cry about racism liberals....


Tell me I'm not black again, and i will blast you again. Apologize you racist bigot!!!

Your calling me names of hate??? I'm confused.

Secondly, when the cops pull me over trust me, I'm very black! YOU WILL NEVER KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS...

Thirdly, Trump denounced all forms of bigotry and racism the same day! He only took a neutral position. (OBAMA IGNORED FERGUSON FOR 4 DAYS AND THEN BARELY SAID ANYTHING)

Lastly, you're the racist! The new bread of racist.... you're the type of white boy that benefits from the oppression of black folks.... More than likely, you're a pervert and non Christian, thus, ride the coattails of black oppression to legalize other perverted politics.... Yes, your ideology is the new KKK. YOU use need to racism, because of your intellectual laziness.... everyone that has a different opinion is not a racist.

I'm sick of this crap from liberals. Affirmative action was for correcting the wrongs of slavery and Jim Crow, until liberals changed it to MINORITIES....now white women benefit more from Affirmative Action than blacks do.... 7 to 1 in some states...

You all only play is to get black folks mad, then say, up.... the Republican party is racist and how they treat black folks, that's how they treat white women and LGBT.... I'm offended, when you have a slave boat, stripped of history and legal property, not a person then you can cry about racism liberals....


Tell me I'm not black again, and i will blast you again. Apologize you racist bigot!!!

Well put. I don't care if you are black, white, yellow, brown or green, he really is the racist here. Typical Left Wing Liberal that is still upset that "she" didn't win. What ever happened to everyone's right to peacefully protest or speak their mind? It seems lately that if you are not against our current president then you don't have that right anymore. And who is really causing most of the violence we see on TV or rad about in the press? Hmmmmmm. Seems to me that it's mostly the libs. Here's another opportunity to steal and pillage. If the tables had been turned and Trump would have lost would the Republicans have been rioting, protesting everywhere, looting and tearing up cities? I don't think so. Didn't happen when Obama was elected. You accept the results and move on and support our country. But that is not the Democratic way. I am not a fan of the white supremacists, neo-Nazi's or any other hate group, but they did have a right to peacefully rally. Whether we agree with a particular group or not, that does not give us the right to try to take away their rights. Like Trump did end up saying, I think they are deplorable and there is no place for them in our society, but, they are here and have a right to their opinions. No matter how disgusting they may be. Previous posters made several good points about Obama's actions following very well known horrific events that happened during his administration that the left seems to just ignore. So tell me why that was not classified as racism? And if a Black man decides to not support the actions of Merck's CEO then now he is called a racist and told he is not a real Black man? I am so sick of this shit!!!

Reading through a number of threads, I can see you are a lefty snowflake troll. Once again, who is the "we" you are referring to and are you making a threat in this post?

The first post was a fake created by an albino spineless snake. That HE spent so much time composing such a pile of bull dung is proof that MRK still hires insecure misogynist and racist males.

The "atta boy" praise is either the first moron lauding himself, or other man/boy bigots who decent MRK employees should never have to endure.

The MRK hiring process should find a way to weed out this human garbage before they get on the payroll.

PS: Hey fellas! If you don't like working for a black man, then quit. No one will miss your lazy arses.

Everyone wants believe that it's particular group that is the main reason for all the detension between people in this country. Bottom line is you have people that hate and people who don't. What color, gender, sexual preferences, etc etc doesn't matter. Also if they would just legalize marijuana every body wouldn't be up tight.DAMN! LOL ha ha.So sick of this shit. Forget this Iam moving to Amsterdam.

Ken does not represent the thousands of employees at Merck. Agree with original post - the resistance movement is killing the fabric of this great nation. Ken's move makes it worse not better. He had the ear of the president to discuss concerns / ideas of how to help with the divide in this country, but chose grandstanding instead. Sad.

PS - Many MDs will stop prescribing Merck brands as a result of his comments, too. I have already received an earful from many.

Ken does not represent the thousands of employees at Merck. Agree with original post - the resistance movement is killing the fabric of this great nation. Ken's move makes it worse not better. He had the ear of the president to discuss concerns / ideas of how to help with the divide in this country, but chose grandstanding instead. Sad.

PS - Many MDs will stop prescribing Merck brands as a result of his comments, too. I have already received an earful from many.

Many MDs had already stopped Rxing MRK brands because you call on them---that is, whenever you need to feed your boy pals with extra food ordered beyond what's needed to feed those females who staff MD offices. Working 20 hours a month is a good deal for pulling in a full-time salary---Eh, man/boy? .

Many MDs had already stopped Rxing MRK brands because you call on them---that is, whenever you need to feed your boy pals with extra food ordered beyond what's needed to feed those females who staff MD offices. Working 20 hours a month is a good deal for pulling in a full-time salary---Eh, man/boy? .
I will now request from all of my customers to not write a single product made by Merck . The best way to hurt a leftwing asshole is to shrink their wallet.