They are only paying overtime because everyone is leaving because it sucks so bad.
My Job is very fulfilling
They are only paying overtime because everyone is leaving because it sucks so bad.
Why so negative? I heard ARI is booming? People making large pay on overtime and a bright future ahead.
Is this true or is it a smoke screen to what is really going on at the site?
Yes it is a awesome job
So true, What now,\My Job is very fulfilling
My Job is very fulfilling
Wait and see how fulfilling you are after amgen terminates you.
Example i thought the same until i was cought off guard with unexpected termination you are only a number. I had a family member battling cancer they stopped my insureance the day i left my supervisor knew of the illness and cared less to let me go.
So enjoy it now. Amgen RI is a ruthless company and you mean nothing to them.
It's not all about the patients or people it's about money. ARI is the worse.
What about them two guys on that list that grabbed thier own ankles to move up the food chain?
What about them two guys on that list that grabbed thier own ankles to move up the food chain?
Now this is the real ARI.
The ARI staff this includes management on down really need a wake up call. It seems to be ok for others to lose their jobs as long as it does not affect them.
If ATO had half a brain, then they would sweep in and fire 50-100 ARI managers.
We all pray to god that the ARI evil doers will get what is coming to them. They have caused great harm to many and thier families.
Such a desparate and pathetic quote. It's actually comical. "Great harm to many and their families." It's just a job. Find another. There are many out there in contrary to what you may be hearing. Pharma jobs are plentiful.
It's true manny jobs out there just remenber go south we don't need Amgen scum bags up here!
When you have people like KG who has no respect for people or family the place will never change ARI as a whole sucks. Morals and values are non existant. People left there need to realize what you do to others eventually will bite you on the ass. This site cannot operate like this much longer the word is out in RI. ARI is a bust and a good place to stay away from.
Such a desparate and pathetic quote. It's actually comical. "Great harm to many and their families." It's just a job. Find another. There are many out there in contrary to what you may be hearing. Pharma jobs are plentiful.
I'm not talking about employees I'm talking about families who lost loved ones because Drs. Over prescibed Aranesp as Amgen made billions of dollars and still wanting more. Even as black box warnings came out saying it caused heart attacks and strokes they were telling us that it was safe (us reps). The totality of the data shows that the benefits outweigh the risks and go out there and get 100 percent of the market even if were not indicated. This is serious because people were harmed; for what, so Drs and Amgen can make more money. This is a big reason why this whole indusry has such a bad reputation. I'm not making this stuff up nor am I a bitter employee I'm just telling you the facts. You can continue to drink the coolaide until you are personally effected then you will see the light. And the guy who got fired while a family member was battling cancer, they cancel his inurance, that is some cold shit. I know there are two sides to the story but that sounds horrible.
You guys are absolutely crazy. You were fired, move on. "no respect for people or family" You're crazy. You're responsible for your family. Move on, get a job, get over it. You do provide me with great laughs.
Be careful. It could happen to you. Would it then be a great source of humor?
No it's horrible that we have to work under fear and intimidation. That's not how you get productive employees. When you lead by example and rspect then you get highly motivated top quality performance. Great companies treat employees fairly and as a result people are proud and want to work hard. However, when they treat us like 2 year olds then you get shitty results. Take the launch of Prolia for example. By having managers ride with reps every few weeks, teleconference after teleconference, CYA attitude, metric after metric it's destined to failure and it's not fun. People sitting in their ivory towers telling us their view of the world is not reality. The crazy thing is that KS can care less because he's a millionaire 10 fold with golden parachutes. It's just not fair but thats life I guess.