I 100% agree and can confirm this as well...... 59 out of 60 is pure false bs. There are at least 10+ territories still being worked on and interviewed for, and that is maybe even a little low, I would guess more like 20 are still open but I was told that the number was indeed 10+ from somebody who knows, not just a cafe pharma legend. There are also a bundle of offers that are out but have not yet been accepted, so once you factor in all these realities it is more like 50-60% are filled and 40 that are still in motion. With there being no official start date or deadline for hire, RBD's can reinterview and recheck current offers and continue to look for a better fit is necessary. This is the truth, take it or leave it, I really could care less, but keep this board to a "factual" setting, not bullshit.