Are you kidding me?


I mean, was that email a joke??!!! We know what's going on and what is going to happen but we aren't ready to tell you yet. We need Q3 sales first. I cannot believe that email!!!!

you apparently did not read the email...nothing is going to happen until the August-September timeframe. That's my prediction. RW says, "while we are not quite ready to share all the work that has been done in detail"blah blah blah blah please expect increased communication in weeks ahead. Also, that there will be no discussion of this at the town hall July 17th. It's like torture. I hope all of you with families are out there with a backup plan because this just isn't fair to us or our families!

So what will be discussed after the 4th and at the town hall? Nothing again? It will probably just be a waste of our time like the last one. They talk for over an hour and say nothing we haven't already heard at the NTM. By this point in time they should be able to tell us when we will be directly affected and the number of reps who will lose positions or have to relocate if they want to stay. They also need to answer the rumors like 20% reduction in sales force overall, forced relocations, having to interview for the positions available, "new" base salaries, "new" comp structure.
They expect everyone to stay engaged....not happening. Until people feel like they have a secure position that is worth staying for the full time job hunting to get out will continue.

RW "none of the rumors are true". Really? Then why don't you address each one and discuss it. In the midwest we are hearing the new comp will be like pharma with a base and capped commission.

Well they told us at NTM next year the too
Would be half full for one an management told us as well. You can't merge a business with 7 endo,inc and women's health reps in one town buster!

Endo is set to receive major layoffs. Our products have become commoditized. We are screwed!

There are just way too many endo reps for what we do..when one middle sized city has 4 or 5 endo reps selling the same products that is just too much. Our 5 or 6 hospital territories are coming back to bite us in the arse. We have become very expendable.

yep, especially since entrance to the OR is by invitation only and only after you have gone through security. I hate to jump on the "downer" wagon but there's too many reps across all op cos which means there's too many DM's and on up the food, cuts across the board up and down! I just don't understand why we have to wait.....roll out the new organizational chart, compensation changes, territory reassignments and launch the damn thing. It's summer, no one is working anyway, including our customers in the OR's.

It's also possible that they get rid of EWHU and Inc reps and give EES their products. Who knows.

I could def see that with way with EP..the amount of cross training it would take to train everyone on CV suture, TSA ($140MM extremely competitive market), etc.. would make that highly unlikely. If you think about it, without energy in the bag, how hard would it be to cross train reps on what's left in the current endo bag?