Are you happy?

It’s time for the cancerous people to go. You are an employee at will. If you don’t like it, leave. You’ll be replaced in a heartbeat. It’s a new day, new culture and the market is changing. We dont need cynical mindsets. An incestuous company has too many people thinking the same way. Get over yourselves.
It’s time for the cancerous people to go. You are an employee at will. If you don’t like it, leave. You’ll be replaced in a heartbeat. It’s a new day, new culture and the market is changing. We dont need cynical mindsets. An incestuous company has too many people thinking the same way. Get over yourselves.
Your mom a h o e
It’s time for the cancerous people to go. You are an employee at will. If you don’t like it, leave. You’ll be replaced in a heartbeat. It’s a new day, new culture and the market is changing. We dont need cynical mindsets. An incestuous company has too many people thinking the same way. Get over yourselves.
If replacing skilled people is "so easy/in a heartbeat" why do the jobs stay on the board for months on end. Then when you do find these replacements they work out so well for you don't they. At least maintenance keeps busy fixing the crap they destroy.
If replacing skilled people is "so easy/in a heartbeat" why do the jobs stay on the board for months on end. Then when you do find these replacements they work out so well for you don't they. At least maintenance keeps busy fixing the crap they destroy.
I highly doubt that maintenance stays that busy, they are all fat and honestly can’t fix anything, I’m glad that I don’t have to deal with maintenance in my department, seems that yourself got upset at our meeting today? You need to quit thinking your happy you brat
If replacing skilled people is "so easy/in a heartbeat" why do the jobs stay on the board for months on end. Then when you do find these replacements they work out so well for you don't they. At least maintenance keeps busy fixing the crap they destroy.
Breaking News!!!
This company doesn’t revolve around the “woc”. You’re stepping into a debate that is tailored toward corporate, and yes you can be replaced in a moments notice so don’t let your ego make you believe otherwise. Try expanding your horizons and remember not everything is about you.
Breaking News!!!
This company doesn’t revolve around the “woc”. You’re stepping into a debate that is tailored toward corporate, and yes you can be replaced in a moments notice so don’t let your ego make you believe otherwise. Try expanding your horizons and remember not everything is about you.
Kiss my A S S
I highly doubt that maintenance stays that busy, they are all fat and honestly can’t fix anything, I’m glad that I don’t have to deal with maintenance in my department, seems that yourself got upset at our meeting today? You need to quit thinking your happy you brat
These Colors Don't Run! Go finish taking it in the A S S you SOB
Last time I was happy I had a wife that respected our marriage, didn’t have child support, my car actually ran decent and my boss wasn’t such a prick! Maybe when I can find a place that is willing to hire me I’ll leave this hell hole and start fresh.