Are you happy?

Yes, I am happy because I accept the perks of car allowance, expenses, and networking all while doing my 1099 job on the side, which by the way, yields much more of an income. So as I sit with my clients for a super dinner after a round of golf onWrights money, I may add, I thank Bob P and Bob B for making me look real good. Am I double dipping....absolutely and I deserve it. The beach home and extra cars thanks you also you two fools
Former Wright employee here. You don't realize how good you guys have it.

Sure, where I making far more where I am now. And sure, my leadership is competent and also willing to listen. And yes, I have a much better career ahead of me now. And yes I am much happier now because I don't spend all my time cleaning up hub mistakes or stressing about inventory. But...wait, what was I saying?
I make it a regular practice to "head over to Cherry Road" or "head over to the WOC", & instead camp out at one of the local pubs for several rounds of adult beverages. Putting in 2 or 3 solid hours of work each day kinda wears a person out. Life at Wright is pretty sweet.
Holy cow you're working a longer day than me. I mentally put in 1 hour and then a half hour to socialize THEN I go to the golf course and then the pub on Wrights $$$$. Life is good at wright
I make it a regular practice to "head over to Cherry Road" or "head over to the WOC", & instead camp out at one of the local pubs for several rounds of adult beverages. Putting in 2 or 3 solid hours of work each day kinda wears a person out. Life at Wright is pretty sweet.
Greetings to a fellow member of the Quality department, ain't life sweet?
Yes he sucks but many of us have the last laugh. You really think we put in an 8 hour day. Hell no!!! My ASR does all my running around and assists my docs during surgeries. I am not giving up free golf with a client from my real job that yields much more $$$ than Wright. Am I appreciative of Wright...yes because who else is paying my car,expenses, and gas. That sure comes in handy while entertaining for my other job
So thank you Burrows and palmisano....fools
yes they are BUT I've crossed over too, and I must admit feels good. Wright will never catch on. I'm enjoying the ride as is 1/2 the sales force. Wake up fools, this is 2017