Are you fucking kidding me? $5k for a colonoscopy?

These stories are exactly the reason for reform. I just don't understand how anyone can be against it. A heart attack should never be the reason for bankruptcy or losing a home.

While it is tragic that a family should lose its financial worth due to illness, there are often behind-the-scene details that don't get mentioned. I know people who choose not to pay for health insurance because they consider themselves healthy and would rather spend the money on something else. One of these people I know is 53 years old, self-employed and drives a brand new BMW. I used to tell him that he was taking a risk and that he could be wiped out financially if he continued to ignore the need for insurance.

He has been lucky so far, but too often people find out the hard way that they should have bitten the bullet and forked over the money for the premiums.

$5000 seems like a lot for a procedure at first glance but when you factor in all it has to cover then it starts to add up.


Everyone should try making a friend in England or Canada and then you will hear how government run health care really plays out. Until then, picture yourself getting a colonoscopy at the DMV or post office and you can imagine the lack of quality and care.

Health insurance should not be tied to employers....that's reform that should take place immediately! The only reason it is connected to job compensation in the first place is that decades ago, other liberal democrats tried to cap what people could receive for salaries and the employers started offering health insurance to prospective employees to make the compensation package more attractive. THIS IS INSANE! So, what has resulted in later decades is the HUGE hit of losing one's job being compounded by losing one's health insurance at the same time! Just another example of how the governement screws up everything they stick their noses into! Had government not interfered with free enterprise and business of the private sector by dictating the amount of salaries, then employers would not have tried to lure employees with employer-sponsored health insurance.

America became great because of free enterprise and smaller government that allowed the private sector to flourish. Pay attention to news stories that reflect this: one random example is how much rebuilding was done by private citizens and volunteers in New Orleans after Katrina vs. what the government accomplished...the difference is night and day! The government keeps sloshing money around different entities (and less comes out at the end each and every time when each corrupt entity decides to skim $ off the amount) and nothing gets done. You are CRAZY if you think they are going to get their act together to properly manage the health care of tens of millions of people.

If only the people who do not have the foresight to see what a disaster this would be could just secede and form their own nation and the logical and traditional Americans could be a separate country, too. Then you could all suffer the consequences of your BAD choices and not take the rest of us down with you!

If you want a preview of Government Run Health Care - look at the current process. Unions exempt from paying the cadillac tax. First the whole idea of the tax is crazy then add the insult of a powerful lobby that supports the party in power getting an exemption. Health Care will be all about power. Example - AIDS treatments covered, diabetes not - because the AIDS lobby is better funded and more organized. I say NO to federally run health care !!!

Family member got a colonocsopy. It took all of 40 minutes and the final bill is $5k. If this isn't the poster child for the need for healthcare reform please show me.

What is a reasonable amount money to charge to stick a large hose with a lense at the end of it up someones butt? A pinkees worth is usually enough to get me into trouble and if I charged for it, I'd never hear the end of it.

I'll pay $10k if it finds the big C and saves my life. Now what is criminal is spending hundreds of thousands to send a 2000 strong primary care sales force to Vegas to roll play. Criminal is spending untold $ on ZS, IMS, WK and other bean counter services when any rep with half a brain can tell you how a district should be cut up, and a scan of shipment reports will tell you exactly what has been sold. Outrageous is the management workshop dejour. "What color are you?" So cry about the $5K colonoscopy that could save your life while you take your award trip to Maui because, "You really are making a difference in patients lives". You pompous brainwashed Obama kids.

Saw your post and just had to comment cause it made me chuckle.
Channel 7 ran a piece in the news that had colonoscopies for $900 at wait for genius!!)
Looks like you went to for your colonosopy!!

Saw your post and just had to comment cause it made me chuckle.
Channel 7 ran a piece in the news that had colonoscopies for $900 at wait for genius!!)
Looks like you went to for your colonosopy!!

No. he went to get a colonoscopy. The health care market is non transparent. You cant even get a price in advance for most stuff, and the billing is so complex its hard to find someone who could actually get a price. Its precisely the reason that the free market doesnt work in health care.

Total bullshit. Been in pharma 12 years, never seen a doc drop either Medicaid or Medicare.

You are clueless then. There are many private Drs. who are not seeing any new Medicare or Medicaid patients. A group even put an advertisement in our local paper, stating they were no longer accepting any new Medicare/caid patients.

Our state Medicaid is insane. They just plain out don't pay claims.

lots of physicians in KY are not taking Caid/Care patients. That is problematic since this is not the wealthiest state in the country. I know of at least one county that no longer has a physician and the closest ER is an hour away...........if they have a car. It is darn near impossible for a fairly young doctor to have a practice in the rural areas where the majority of patients are on Care/Caid. They can't afford the overhead. Many counties are trying to attract retired doctors to come in with the county providing clinic space and a small stipend in addition to whatever they get from those programs. Forget dental care.

No. he went to get a colonoscopy. The health care market is non transparent. You cant even get a price in advance for most stuff, and the billing is so complex its hard to find someone who could actually get a price. Its precisely the reason that the free market doesnt work in health care.

You think the health care market is an example of the "Free Market"?
Please explain!?!?!?!?
Perhaps if we could ever return it to being a "Free Market" then you will see some improvements and cost reductions.

Husband had a colonoscopy last month and the hosp bill came today -- now, he had called the insurance company to find out what the out of pocket costs were going to be -- they said zero because it is a covered expense, even though his deductible is $2500. The bill is 811.00 for "diagnostic services" -- REALLY? There were no polyps, nothing -- he went to the hosp at 7:45 and was home by 10:30. Hell, he didn't even get a juice!