Are you fucking kidding me? $5k for a colonoscopy?

My 61 yr old mother does NOT have medical insurance and is not eligible for Medicare or Medicaid. She had a cyst removed last year and was able to negotiate with the doc and hospital to get the bill slashed over 50% by paying ca$h. She begged and pleaded...gave them a sob story that she had no insurance.

She told me that she NEVER pays anywhere close to full price. It is all negotiable and ca$h talks. She has also had luck with slashing the charges and paying a modest monthly payment.

The good news is that no one will have to pay $5K for a colonoscopy in the future...the government will tell you that you don't need one and CAN'T HAVE ONE. Good luck with that!

Insurance is paying a little over 2k but that's the point. If you don't have insurance you're responsible for the whole 5k which is ridiculous.

How much should a colonoscopy cost then? $1000? $100? There is a lot of services built into that 5k (anesthesia, endo suite time, OR staff, recovery room staff, meds, etc).

It sucks that he or she didn't have insurance, but it could potentially save your life.

But maybe if this nightmare of a heatlhcare bill gets through, my giant tax increase will help pay your bills in the future.

There is a poster on the political board named SPN, she swears this doesn't happen. Please tell her that it does.

Do I need to scan and post the ER bill to show you the reduced rate for an uninsured patient?

They originally billed the wrong insurance company, then the right one but were denied until there was proof of full time student status. Billing then 'concluded' there was no insurance and rebilled with an uninsured classification. It was less than 50% of the original bill. It's not a DSH hospital either.

Having a colonoscopy done on Monday. Can't wait...especially for Sunday night.

Are you having fun yet? Just don't do what my husband did. He drank the entire gallon of Go-lightly in about an hour (he thought he was so smart); unfortunately the blow out didn't clean him out, so the gastro had to basically pressure wash his colon while he was looking around. There is no amount of versed to wipe out the memory. Next time he'll do as he is told.

Ask the doc to use the "pediatric" hose.

Do I need to scan and post the ER bill to show you the reduced rate for an uninsured patient?

They originally billed the wrong insurance company, then the right one but were denied until there was proof of full time student status. Billing then 'concluded' there was no insurance and rebilled with an uninsured classification. It was less than 50% of the original bill. It's not a DSH hospital either.

This wouldn't happen where I live. Uninsured patients pay more. Period.

This wouldn't happen where I live. Uninsured patients pay more. Period.

You might want to check. 2007 included endless reports and studies regarding this issue. While an insured patient was part of a pool and the billed charges were significantly higher than the contracted charges paid by the insurer, some unnsured patients were to pay the full bill. Complicating the issue was that Medicare had very unclear rules and most people assumed that non-Medicare patients could not be given discounts without a contracted rate. Following lots of bad press and several lawsuits, many hospitals changed their billing practices. The rules were clarified and many, many hospitals adjust the billed charges down to the cost a Medicare patient would actually pay. Some states have passed laws that prohibit the hospital from charging the uninsured more than actual costs. The laws and interpretations of how to implement the changes are not uniform across hospitals or across states but it is happening without the need for a wholesale federal government takeover of the system.
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SPN said people that don't have insurance don't pay the whole amount, which is total bullshit. Well, they don't pay it that's true but the hospital still holds them responsible for it and ruins their credit. It's a scam, pure and simple. So the truth is the people that can most afford it, people with insurance, pay the least.

Insanity people that's all this is.

That's why they call it insurance. You pool the risk and end up paying less. You wanted to give free medical care to all of the welfare mothers, crack ho's, and illegal aliens.This is what you get in return.

No offense, but what kind of moron gets a medical test without finding out in advance how much it will cost?

My 61 yr old mother does NOT have medical insurance and is not eligible for Medicare or Medicaid. She had a cyst removed last year and was able to negotiate with the doc and hospital to get the bill slashed over 50% by paying ca$h. She begged and pleaded...gave them a sob story that she had no insurance.

She told me that she NEVER pays anywhere close to full price. It is all negotiable and ca$h talks. She has also had luck with slashing the charges and paying a modest monthly payment.

Why doesn't she have insurance? Money? Why didn't you help her afford it? Why didn't she make plans to be ready for her own future medical needs? This is the type of person conservatives are so pissed about. They made a choice, either not to buy insurance or not to get well enough educated to have a good enough job to get her own coverage. So, due to her (and your) lack of foresight and refusal to take personal responsibility, the rest of us are supposed to cover for her? When her own child won't? Her bill was us. She probably feels proud for having gotten away without buying insurance. Bet she drives a pretty nice car though.

You mother gamed the system by refusing to buy medical insurance, then played the "oh poor me" game, and got out of paying. Then she probably voted for Obama. Don't worry, kid. Those of us who know the value of hard work and education will pay for usual. And you should be ashamed of yourself.
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Family member got a colonocsopy. It took all of 40 minutes and the final bill is $5k. If this isn't the poster child for the need for healthcare reform please show me.

Check conservatives cites like Kansas City, Colombus, Ohio and other cities connected to George Bush you can get a cheap colonoscopy in your sleep.

Check conservatives cites like Kansas City, Colombus, Ohio and other cities connected to George Bush you can get a cheap colonoscopy in your sleep, just don't inform the country or rednacks will chase you daily cause they enjoy giving colonoscopy to sleeping people (if you get my drift).

Inform the FBI - solve health care -contaminated D and drs prescribing pills to children that don't do crap.

Inform the FBI - solve health care -contaminated D and drs prescribing pills to children that don't do crap.

I'll give you a hint, it has something to do with Walt Disney, beef, milk, corn fructose drug companies, certain facilities (hospitals) and Fascist Spain's connection to the Bushes. And if you're still interested check out Atta's 9/11 connection to Dade County and and Salou, Spain.
Neocons have been given out free colonosocopies since Dick Nixon. Bend down USA.