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Are the numbers sucking for Entresto regardless of efforts? Or, are the goals too high, again?

Maybe I am, Maybe I'm just a troll finding humor in your silly posts about how Pharma is a sales job. Maybe I sell Real Estate where I have to hunt my own business every month to make a buck. Maybe I'm in B2B Advertising trying to convince a business owner to do a marketing plan w/ their hard earned money. But one thing is for sure, because I was once in Pharma for 20 years w/ the same company so I know the difference between Pharma and actual Sales, enjoy the cake job because you are going to get an eye opener at some point. Pharma is dead, Companies don't value experience anymore they haven't for a long time and in 2017 you are nothing but a trained monkey saying the same thing over and over and that ain't sales, that's a advertising commercial.

Real estate??? Haha you use real estate to compare to pharma and how real estate is a "real sales". Haha talk about an industry no one needs. Real estate agents will be obsolete in he next 10 years. They offer no value. Redfin, Zillow etc will put them out of business. Why pay them 6% when people find houses on the internet all day. Have you ever dealt with one? They are the farthest thing from real sales.

Real estate??? Haha you use real estate to compare to pharma and how real estate is a "real sales". Haha talk about an industry no one needs. Real estate agents will be obsolete in he next 10 years. They offer no value. Redfin, Zillow etc will put them out of business. Why pay them 6% when people find houses on the internet all day. Have you ever dealt with one? They are the farthest thing from real sales.

Have you done it? Have you passed the exam to get your license? Have you tried to find a client to work w/ listing or buying? Probably not but yet you will comment like you know. This is why MDs look at you foolishly because you say things and you don't know the other side of the coin. Doesn't matter what is going to happen in 10 years...it's not happening now. But if you must know I have a small home health agency where we supply MA's, RN's and CNA's to medical offices and Medicare agencies. In order to get the business you have to find the business , network and actually sell yourself and your services. Did I mention I also have about 20 employees to attend to too? You have to be well rounded unlike you who appears they are in the know. Like someone said before NVS is a bunch of LOSERS that think they are Winners.

Have you done it? Have you passed the exam to get your license? Have you tried to find a client to work w/ listing or buying? Probably not but yet you will comment like you know. This is why MDs look at you foolishly because you say things and you don't know the other side of the coin. Doesn't matter what is going to happen in 10 years...it's not happening now. But if you must know I have a small home health agency where we supply MA's, RN's and CNA's to medical offices and Medicare agencies. In order to get the business you have to find the business , network and actually sell yourself and your services. Did I mention I also have about 20 employees to attend to too? You have to be well rounded unlike you who appears they are in the know. Like someone said before NVS is a bunch of LOSERS that think they are Winners.

Its apparent the loser in this discussion is you. If you don't work for Novartis get off our board. The previous poster was correct Real Estate is hardly a sales job. Pharmaceuticals is way harder. As far as prospecting for accounts and having to close them- you really can't compare the too as they are different jobs. Anyone can do real estate- not everyone is cut out to do pharmaceuticals. That is why we have 100's of applicants per opening and real estate you just take an easy test. And yes its easy because I have my license.

Its apparent the loser in this discussion is you. If you don't work for Novartis get off our board. The previous poster was correct Real Estate is hardly a sales job. Pharmaceuticals is way harder. As far as prospecting for accounts and having to close them- you really can't compare the too as they are different jobs. Anyone can do real estate- not everyone is cut out to do pharmaceuticals. That is why we have 100's of applicants per opening and real estate you just take an easy test. And yes its easy because I have my license.

Sad that you are a pharma rep or a real estate agent and can’t figure out the difference between two and too. Probably a brilliant CV1.

Its apparent the loser in this discussion is you. If you don't work for Novartis get off our board. The previous poster was correct Real Estate is hardly a sales job. Pharmaceuticals is way harder. As far as prospecting for accounts and having to close them- you really can't compare the too as they are different jobs. Anyone can do real estate- not everyone is cut out to do pharmaceuticals. That is why we have 100's of applicants per opening and real estate you just take an easy test. And yes its easy because I have my license.

Real estate, Uber driving, Rental property's, Double dipping Pain cream etc. ALL FIRED TROLL BS and urban legends On CP by man child rejects.

Its apparent the loser in this discussion is you. If you don't work for Novartis get off our board. The previous poster was correct Real Estate is hardly a sales job. Pharmaceuticals is way harder. As far as prospecting for accounts and having to close them- you really can't compare the too as they are different jobs. Anyone can do real estate- not everyone is cut out to do pharmaceuticals. That is why we have 100's of applicants per opening and real estate you just take an easy test. And yes its easy because I have my license.

OMG this is Hysterical.. I can train a chimp to be a Pharma "schlep". This Industry should not even require a College Degree anymore. You have 100's of applications because there is little work effort involved and a pretty good check. No one is denying it's a pretty good gig. w/ a check involved but sales it is not. Try working for pure commission now that's a sales job (real estate is a pure commission job). And yes I can compare the two because you are calling it SALES so it falls into the Sales category... so is it Sales or not?

Management acts like Positive Tension is new and innovative. Tens of other companies have used this and it's just another recycled idea that someone on the top embarrassingly brought to the table along with STEM. These upcoming meetings are chalk full of positive tension and reps are hoping to get caught in a hurricane before these role play sessions. Doctors are seeing less and less reps these days and PT will get more doors closed.
Sales goals soon will not matter for entresto.
A signaling pathway in the body called Hippo is well known in scientific circles for its potential role in cancer, but now scientists at Baylor believe they have found another place where manipulating this system could be beneficial—the heart.

Hippo signaling can prevent damaged heart muscle from repairing itself. So the Baylor researchers wanted to see what would happen if they turned off the pathway altogether. When they silenced Hippo for 6 weeks in mouse models of heart failure, they were able to restore pumping ability to that of healthy hearts, according to a press release. The research was published in the journal Nature.

Sales goals soon will not matter for entresto.
A signaling pathway in the body called Hippo is well known in scientific circles for its potential role in cancer, but now scientists at Baylor believe they have found another place where manipulating this system could be beneficial—the heart.

Hippo signaling can prevent damaged heart muscle from repairing itself. So the Baylor researchers wanted to see what would happen if they turned off the pathway altogether. When they silenced Hippo for 6 weeks in mouse models of heart failure, they were able to restore pumping ability to that of healthy hearts, according to a press release. The research was published in the journal Nature.

So how does this apply to Entresto? I did look up a very encouraging link about the Hippo pathway, MST-1 and etc- also possible benefit in Alzheimer’s and ALS- does Entresto have an impact on these pathways??

Entresto didn't work because upper management tried to pull a fast one on the medical community and the Med Community didn't buy in. NVS Upper Mgt tried to make a market that didn't exist in the PCPs. It was all smoke and mirrors. Secondly, Middle Management (Regionals/ABLs) were so busy wrecking havoc on the sales force coaching experienced reps to death, needless conference calls and work withs. Bottom line there was no goal set to increase market share it was more like let's run around and look busy instead of putting trust in an experience sales force. Now, people will lose their jobs over these incompetent behaviors.

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