Are Solvay reps safe from

Well if it wasn't for us Solvay reps you ex-cardio idiots would have had just Simcor to sell. We owned the Tricor brand and Abbott paid us 1 billion to lic. it. every year. So they figured why not buy us and keep the sales force which produced and chop the fat off the top (which is you). Now go get your shine box!

Ex CC rep here. Let's see you not only get a HUGE Double Down bonus AFTER lay off (approx. $28K) but also reg bonus and almost a year off with pay. Oh yeah, landed on my feet in HCV in a semi-solid position.
You, my friend, will not reap any of these beneys when you are cut loose in the very near future. LMFAO!

Ex CC rep here. Let's see you not only get a HUGE Double Down bonus AFTER lay off (approx. $28K) but also reg bonus and almost a year off with pay. Oh yeah, landed on my feet in HCV in a semi-solid position.
You, my friend, will not reap any of these beneys when you are cut loose in the very near future. LMFAO!

No one has that history in HCV. Nice try.