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Are Abbvie Hiring and District Managers Racist or biased?!


Someone deleted the last thread..

Honest question. Any truth to Abbvie Hiring Managers racists or biased?!

May I share a few thoughts as a former manager with Abbott:

The way you wrote your subject line makes me raise an eyebrow. It makes me wonder if you applied for a position and did not get hired. Is your "revenge" to lash out at Abbvie by making a racial jab? Or do you have a documentable case?

In my experience at Abbott, the HR department went overboard to recruit, hire and protect minorities, women, mature employees and those whose sexual orientation were not hetero. They went so overboard that they kept a DSM that was black and openly gay even after his team turned on him. This manager was also dead last in the rankings but was retained while other managers (both male/female and mature) were let go.

I have my own beef with Abbvie, but it does not involve racial discrimination. So share with us the details of why you feel you were discriminated!

May I share a few thoughts as a former manager with Abbott:

The way you wrote your subject line makes me raise an eyebrow. It makes me wonder if you applied for a position and did not get hired. Is your "revenge" to lash out at Abbvie by making a racial jab? Or do you have a documentable case?

In my experience at Abbott, the HR department went overboard to recruit, hire and protect minorities, women, mature employees and those whose sexual orientation were not hetero. They went so overboard that they kept a DSM that was black and openly gay even after his team turned on him. This manager was also dead last in the rankings but was retained while other managers (both male/female and mature) were let go.

I have my own beef with Abbvie, but it does not involve racial discrimination. So share with us the details of why you feel you were discriminated!

Absolutely they are. Just look around the sales force. Even in major cities where there are a large number of African Americans, latinos or Asians but the reps are all caucasian. My DM says racists things and doesn't have a clue she's being racist. I've been here for a few years and I rarely see anyone who is not caucasian at the national meetings. I've worked in over 3 different divisions. They only hire caucasian women, bonus points if you're young, female, bubbly and a former cheerleader. That's the honest truth and I'm a white male and in one of the most diverse cities.. not one non white rep in my territory. FACT!

Any truth that you're an unemployed and a unskilled laborer troll, with a GED and race bait because your world and dirt poor life is in shambles ?

Why do you always leave a space between the end of your sentence and your punctuation? Seriously. Everyone knows exactly who you are just by your Boomer Typing (or lack of) Skillz

You really need a life. It’s so sad how much time you spend here.

I don’t disagree with some of the comments on here and many seem to be the reality. Trust me I know bc I work here! I won’t mention any names but let’s just say we had an expansion recently in the Rheum division and pretty much all new hires in my district and neighboring districts were white females and ya know what else?? They can’t sell worth a darn! Horrible sales people and don’t like to get their hands ‘dirty’ start late, finish early, wear top designers at the meetings and training etc etc. Bubbly personality n all but act stuck up as heck. I honestly don’t know how they got past the RM during interviews if they even had one. It’s quite sad. I get it.. docs like to see attractive women but do they really write scripts based on how attractive the woman is?? Absolutely not! If that’s the case, my district and countless in the nation have far many attractive women (almost all white btw) and sales are not all that great. Anyhow, I’m just sick of all these women being hired all bc they get along well w the hiring manager. Heck.. if I had my choice, at least I would choose a nonwhite female such as a Hispanic or Asian woman due to stronger work ethic. Good luck and maybe look for another company. Abbvie is not all that hot of a company anyway. Only one drug is keeping the comp a float and guess what, the new batch they recently hired can’t sell or have no business in sales.

The poster about we have experienced it. And mentions the boys club. This person blocked me from a spot with those exact words. I was told her comments were “we are breaking up the boys club” This person was a higher up that came on to Metabolics 5 or 6 years back. She has since left. And it’s clear her intention based on her comments which proves to me I was discrimated against as a white male.

The poster about we have experienced it. And mentions the boys club. This person blocked me from a spot with those exact words. I was told her comments were “we are breaking up the boys club” This person was a higher up that came on to Metabolics 5 or 6 years back. She has since left. And it’s clear her intention based on her comments which proves to me I was discrimated against as a white male.
Your spelling is pathetic...

The poster about we have experienced it. And mentions the boys club. This person blocked me from a spot with those exact words. I was told her comments were “we are breaking up the boys club” This person was a higher up that came on to Metabolics 5 or 6 years back. She has since left. And it’s clear her intention based on her comments which proves to me I was discrimated against as a white male.

You’re wrong. I’m not the Metabolicals person you’re claiming. I’m a young millennial (YUP- millenial!!!! I was born in 1988!!!) that’s disgusted by patriarchal (& pharma) companies like AbbVie!

The story of white men claiming reverse discrimination is as old & tired and can be filed up there next to D. Trump’s “fake news” claims: you just repeat yourself over & over and no one gives a sh*t (we all know you’re bat sh*t cray cray).

This story can be inserted into any “good old boys club” culture in any industry...but it’s so glaringly/disgustingly/abhorrently obvious in the pharm/bio/Med arena.

You were NOT discriminated against as a white man. If anything you have been given several advantages throughout your education and career: your superiors looked like you, dressed like you, came from a background like you, and had a similar upbringing as you. They related to you and wanted to see you succeed because- well, you are like them. They felt comfortable around you and understood your path. They offered you opportunities that no women/black/Hispanic/GAY (which your type has a huge disdain for) would ever get to experience because they simply were not like “them” (the white homogeneous males).

So take your incoherent posts about some past grievance of some former “Metabolic” rep or whatever the f*ck you were blabbing about and realize- YOU ARE NOT A DISCRIMINATED AGAINST WHITE MALE. YOU ARE JUST A WHITE MALE.

You’re wrong. I’m not the Metabolicals person you’re claiming. I’m a young millennial (YUP- millenial!!!! I was born in 1988!!!) that’s disgusted by patriarchal (& pharma) companies like AbbVie!

The story of white men claiming reverse discrimination is as old & tired and can be filed up there next to D. Trump’s “fake news” claims: you just repeat yourself over & over and no one gives a sh*t (we all know you’re bat sh*t cray cray).

This story can be inserted into any “good old boys club” culture in any industry...but it’s so glaringly/disgustingly/abhorrently obvious in the pharm/bio/Med arena.

You were NOT discriminated against as a white man. If anything you have been given several advantages throughout your education and career: your superiors looked like you, dressed like you, came from a background like you, and had a similar upbringing as you. They related to you and wanted to see you succeed because- well, you are like them. They felt comfortable around you and understood your path. They offered you opportunities that no women/black/Hispanic/GAY (which your type has a huge disdain for) would ever get to experience because they simply were not like “them” (the white homogeneous males).

So take your incoherent posts about some past grievance of some former “Metabolic” rep or whatever the f*ck you were blabbing about and realize- YOU ARE NOT A DISCRIMINATED AGAINST WHITE MALE. YOU ARE JUST A WHITE MALE.

Who’s discriminated against.