Why does anyone need to be "somebody" to post here?? I'm airing grievances, blowing off steam same as everyone else.....just from a different vantage point. I am on here same as,I guess WE must be hypocrites trolling CP, you ass jockey. And guess what? Nobody gives a shit what u thought about the meeting.......and that's a fact. So take your whiney, griping ass to greener pastures and fuck off.

This has got to be the most moronic post I have ever read. I mean, let's get real here. Clearly, you love working for Mallinckrodt and you are "ready to defend" Mallinckrodt's honor. You are a real weirdo. You also have it all wrong. You are the clear minority here. At least 98% percent of the sales force thought the meeting and this company is a complete shit show. No one agrees with your comments other then your own over-inflated ego. Let me guess. You quit your job and recently came onboard here and now you are trying like mad to convince yourself you didn't make an enormous mistake? Yeah, thought so. Now go away fool.

Here's the truth, this meeting was amateur hour, if you think otherwise then you are certainly "legacy" MNK blowhards. There is no plan, no new info, no data, no new marketing slicks, no positive payer policy changes, no medical science, no nothing, nada. WHAAA, All we want is some direction, some inclination that you MNK studs know what you're doing. You clowns are an EPIC FAIL. In the meantime, we will milk you clowns for what we deem you owe us. Yes, we will endure your shitty healthcare, your no equity offerings, your smoke and mirrors dialogue, your huge egos, your GM's that are clueless, your fire drills, and your power trips. Thank you for feeding and clothing us at the NSM, you are very kind. We own your future, so stop with your telling us to leave and go elsewhere, WE will make that call, unless you've got the balls to fire us. Crickets.

How deep is your questcor throat? I have something for you

This has got to be the most moronic post I have ever read. I mean, let's get real here. Clearly, you love working for Mallinckrodt and you are "ready to defend" Mallinckrodt's honor. You are a real weirdo. You also have it all wrong. You are the clear minority here. At least 98% percent of the sales force thought the meeting and this company is a complete shit show. No one agrees with your comments other then your own over-inflated ego. Let me guess. You quit your job and recently came onboard here and now you are trying like mad to convince yourself you didn't make an enormous mistake? Yeah, thought so. Now go away fool.

Oh get off your fucking soap box! We all know the company's not perfect.......we aren't arguing that by any stretch. The point is that this chain is also addressing the ridiculous behavior of some QCor legacy tards that refuse to acclimate to their new environment. And it's not 98% of the sales force that's on here crying and bitching like a little's elitist taint captain. So get off your high horse. And fuck off/don't come back to CP, if you are so unhappy or don't like the posts.

it is an embarrassment to read what is posted on this website. the fact is that most of the posts are probably done by a very small number of people. maybe those who are posting on this website should print out the entire chain of posts and read then outloud to their children, parents or spouses and watch their reaction. read it outloud with your churchgroup or, better yet, to the patients that rely on what you are selling to them and see their reaction. this is the most disgraceful and selfish display imaginable by people who are supposed representing medical care to people who need it. now go make fun of this post - doing that will not change the main point. that your life must be truly empty and your purpose so misguided that you spend time feeling good to write things that smear good people, your company, co workers, colleagues and you disrespect the patients you are supposed to be helping. no matter what company you go to. Learn a lesson and really read what I am writing here. Pay attention.

Let's agree that we disagree:

1. You love Mallinckrodt, we're trying real hard too but MNK makes it impossible
2. You love the stock equity and the treatment you get from Mallinckrodt, we don't
3. You love big pharma, we don't
4. You love that MNK bought Acthar, we don't
5. You love the fact that we went to Orlando for our NSM instead of a premier ski destination, we are baffled
6. You want all of the legacy Questcor reps to leave, we will when we decide
7. You defend MNK on Cafe Pharma (your special assignment), we think you're a fucking idiot
8. You believe everything that MNK tells you, we don't
9. You like putting us down and telling us to leave, we laugh
10. We love the fact that you get so upset in your posts on Cafe Pharma, you continue to deliver your hate and jealousy

We all know who you are, we saw you at the palms in the Gaylord ready to fight. The way that you were pacing around like a psycho, made us wonder if you doubled up on your steroid injections. Ha. We left and had some beers instead.

it is an embarrassment to read what is posted on this website. the fact is that most of the posts are probably done by a very small number of people. maybe those who are posting on this website should print out the entire chain of posts and read then outloud to their children, parents or spouses and watch their reaction. read it outloud with your churchgroup or, better yet, to the patients that rely on what you are selling to them and see their reaction. this is the most disgraceful and selfish display imaginable by people who are supposed representing medical care to people who need it. now go make fun of this post - doing that will not change the main point. that your life must be truly empty and your purpose so misguided that you spend time feeling good to write things that smear good people, your company, co workers, colleagues and you disrespect the patients you are supposed to be helping. no matter what company you go to. Learn a lesson and really read what I am writing here. Pay attention.

Says the person trolling CafePharma on a Saturday morning instead of spending it with their family......reading through pages & pages of threads while little Johnny keeps asking you to go fix him some cereal. Go fuck yourself, seriously. This website has a far & wide reputation for allowing ppl to vent. If u don't like it, don't come here. Do you go to porn sites and tell them they could be doing so much more with their lives?? No. So seriously - go preach your holier-than-though rhetoric somewhere else. Go to that mirror in your house that you love to pump yourself up in front of......pat yourself on the back that you tried your bestest to turn ppl's lives around......and remind yourself not to throw stones in glass houses.....idiot.

it is an embarrassment to read what is posted on this website. the fact is that most of the posts are probably done by a very small number of people. maybe those who are posting on this website should print out the entire chain of posts and read then outloud to their children, parents or spouses and watch their reaction. read it outloud with your churchgroup or, better yet, to the patients that rely on what you are selling to them and see their reaction. this is the most disgraceful and selfish display imaginable by people who are supposed representing medical care to people who need it. now go make fun of this post - doing that will not change the main point. that your life must be truly empty and your purpose so misguided that you spend time feeling good to write things that smear good people, your company, co workers, colleagues and you disrespect the patients you are supposed to be helping. no matter what company you go to. Learn a lesson and really read what I am writing here. Pay attention.

youre the embarrassment!!!! You're unbelievable!!!! You make these claims, yet you're trolling this board on a Saturday. You need your head examined. Seriously! So get off your self righteous ass and get off this thread. If you are happy at Maloinckrodt, then get the hell off this site. Makes no sense that you are on here, other then we all know you are not a Mallinckrodt rep. So go away you complete fucking loser.

Let's agree that we disagree:

1. You love Mallinckrodt, we're trying real hard too but MNK makes it impossible
2. You love the stock equity and the treatment you get from Mallinckrodt, we don't
3. You love big pharma, we don't
4. You love that MNK bought Acthar, we don't
5. You love the fact that we went to Orlando for our NSM instead of a premier ski destination, we are baffled
6. You want all of the legacy Questcor reps to leave, we will when we decide
7. You defend MNK on Cafe Pharma (your special assignment), we think you're a fucking idiot
8. You believe everything that MNK tells you, we don't
9. You like putting us down and telling us to leave, we laugh
10. We love the fact that you get so upset in your posts on Cafe Pharma, you continue to deliver your hate and jealousy

We all know who you are, we saw you at the palms in the Gaylord ready to fight. The way that you were pacing around like a psycho, made us wonder if you doubled up on your steroid injections. Ha. We left and had some beers instead.

I would take my anger out on your face, but I have a feeling genetics has put it through enough suffering already. I'm not saying I hate you....but I often catch myself fantasizing about you being attacked by honeybadgers, barefoot in a desert of Lego bricks, near a Bieber concert. So take this advice - fuck off. And when you get there, fuck off from there too :D Then fuck off some more. Keep fucking off until you get back here. Then fuck off again. :D. Xxoo.

Best of luck justifying to yourself why it is okay to embarrass yourself and disrespect the patients you serve on this website.

Hey fuck nut - this isn't a patient site, and odds are no patients we serve have even heard of this site.....not to mention our patients are smarter than you in that if they didn't like what they were reading, they would stop and not come back.
This is a website that reps go to, to complain about their shallow, greedy lives and the evil empire known as Big Pharma. The fact that you keep coming back here and reading these posts tells me you like them and this site, to some extent. So stop your pathetic preaching and either contribute or fuck off.

I would take my anger out on your face, but I have a feeling genetics has put it through enough suffering already. I'm not saying I hate you....but I often catch myself fantasizing about you being attacked by honeybadgers, barefoot in a desert of Lego bricks, near a Bieber concert. So take this advice - fuck off. And when you get there, fuck off from there too :D Then fuck off some more. Keep fucking off until you get back here. Then fuck off again. :D. Xxoo.

Thanks for the laughs. I fantasize about hot chicks and wishing I didn't work here, you fantasize about me. You, my sir, are a fag.

Ok Charlie. But from the sounds of all the pussy whining going on from your group, it doesn't sound like you are "winning" dick shit. Now go drink some more of your tigers blood like a good boy, and try to avoid all the hookers & blow along the way.

Well, actually, building another career while collecting very large retention bonuses is, in my book, a win. And who the Fuck is posting this anti qcor stuff? It has to be Director level or above that is either legacy mnk or new hire. Cannot believe that anyone in another division gives two shits about mnk. They are treated worse than us.

Well, actually, building another career while collecting very large retention bonuses is, in my book, a win. And who the Fuck is posting this anti qcor stuff? It has to be Director level or above that is either legacy mnk or new hire. Cannot believe that anyone in another division gives two shits about mnk. They are treated worse than us.

You know the answer. It's legacy Mallinckrodt senior leadership. They resent us for our former success, detest us for our perseverance, and hate us because they are obligated to keep paying us the kaching$$$$$
Sucks to be them

This company is a bunch of whiney, bitching, self entitled fucking never has beens that think they are just gods gift to fucking pharmaceutical sales. Ive never in my life heard such nonsense. Yes I am new to pharma sales that because I spent 18 years in the big leagues (medical device sales for you pharma pussies) and came here to semi-retire. I've honestly never heard such belly aching whiney little bitches ever in my life. You hard-ons wouldn't last 2 months in device, so be proud of where you've wound up with you life. You are career minor leaguers. Oh and go and tell me how much better pharma is from device. My best year in device I made 475k, I averaged 300K+ a year for 18 years. Now, lets all go pick up panera and make sure you ask them to include paper goods because you know we look stupid when we have salads and sandwiches and no paper plates. This job is a fucking joke

interesting , as a veteran device rep who also has posted some pretty good years, looking to stop hauling a shit ton of trays and settle in to some last glory days, would you reccomend this to a friend in a similar position as you?