Funny those low life "car salesmen" old Malli reps are jealous. ARD are the cream of the crop reps of the nation. They were hired because no one else in the industry wanted you. Lol...we were acquired and adoped and it is like being adopted by an "abusive new parent*

Why don't you sniff my anus? You are such a piece of crap. I met so many great legacy Quescor people and I think they are awesome. I also met 1 or 2 morons and you asshole are probably the one posting your crap. I dare you to reveal your name tough guy. Or even better meet me outside front lobby at the palms at 5:45 pm today! I want to talk to you mother fucker.

Why don't you sniff my anus? You are such a piece of crap. I met so many great legacy Quescor people and I think they are awesome. I also met 1 or 2 morons and you asshole are probably the one posting your crap. I dare you to reveal your name tough guy. Or even better meet me outside front lobby at the palms at 5:45 pm today! I want to talk to you mother fucker.

Wholly shit! The good old days are back where shit gets settled in the parking lot!! This is awesome and thanks for changing the discussion from trash to action. I bet you will kick his ass if the pussy actually shows up. I am going to be there. May be better than universal.

Thanks Tim Missy for your post #19.

Actually - by responding to this post like you did, you basically confirmed that some of the whiney, bitching pssies come from Neuro, and that some of you cowardly bitch about TM while doing absolutely nothing to help him make the needed changes, probably due to jealousy or bitterness. It's a shame too....many of us have worked very well with our Neuro partners.....u r giving their entire group a bad name. So thank-YOU....for narrowing down an area that needs some organizational "cleansing" of bad legacy individuals who have no intention of participating in successful collaborations or relationship building in the future. Douche pirate. Like we said before....if it's so miserable and no one can see u as the leader you believe yourself to be......take your wealthy, cream-of-the-crop ass and head out to those better opportunities you can pick at your leisure. Why stay in miserable conditions?

Wholly shit! The good old days are back where shit gets settled in the parking lot!! This is awesome and thanks for changing the discussion from trash to action. I bet you will kick his ass if the pussy actually shows up. I am going to be there. May be better than universal.

This company is a bunch of whiney, bitching, self entitled fucking never has beens that think they are just gods gift to fucking pharmaceutical sales. Ive never in my life heard such nonsense. Yes I am new to pharma sales that because I spent 18 years in the big leagues (medical device sales for you pharma pussies) and came here to semi-retire. I've honestly never heard such belly aching whiney little bitches ever in my life. You hard-ons wouldn't last 2 months in device, so be proud of where you've wound up with you life. You are career minor leaguers. Oh and go and tell me how much better pharma is from device. My best year in device I made 475k, I averaged 300K+ a year for 18 years. Now, lets all go pick up panera and make sure you ask them to include paper goods because you know we look stupid when we have salads and sandwiches and no paper plates. This job is a fucking joke

This company is a bunch of whiney, bitching, self entitled fucking never has beens that think they are just gods gift to fucking pharmaceutical sales. Ive never in my life heard such nonsense. Yes I am new to pharma sales that because I spent 18 years in the big leagues (medical device sales for you pharma pussies) and came here to semi-retire. I've honestly never heard such belly aching whiney little bitches ever in my life. You hard-ons wouldn't last 2 months in device, so be proud of where you've wound up with you life. You are career minor leaguers. Oh and go and tell me how much better pharma is from device. My best year in device I made 475k, I averaged 300K+ a year for 18 years. Now, lets all go pick up panera and make sure you ask them to include paper goods because you know we look stupid when we have salads and sandwiches and no paper plates. This job is a fucking joke

youre funny. little does this idiot know, that some of us in rheum, work 1/3 the hours he did in device and make over 400k a year here. hahahahaha.

This company is a bunch of whiney, bitching, self entitled fucking never has beens that think they are just gods gift to fucking pharmaceutical sales. Ive never in my life heard such nonsense. Yes I am new to pharma sales that because I spent 18 years in the big leagues (medical device sales for you pharma pussies) and came here to semi-retire. I've honestly never heard such belly aching whiney little bitches ever in my life. You hard-ons wouldn't last 2 months in device, so be proud of where you've wound up with you life. You are career minor leaguers. Oh and go and tell me how much better pharma is from device. My best year in device I made 475k, I averaged 300K+ a year for 18 years. Now, lets all go pick up panera and make sure you ask them to include paper goods because you know we look stupid when we have salads and sandwiches and no paper plates. This job is a fucking joke

Lmfao - don'T know much about device to compare, but u r on target with the behavior of some of these legacy QCOR idiots. They give the rest of the ARD group a really bad impression to those who haven'T even had the chance to work with this business yet. Some of us have tried being true partners to this team....tried making them feel supported and valued. The more I hear of this petty, materialistic, ego-centric bitching & moaning.....the more I start to wonder if anything we do even matters to them at all.....and why the fuck should we even bother trying to accommodate anything they ask for moving forward?!

Oh.and BTW old Car saleman Malli reps , we still make 3 to 5 times than what you earn..The W-2s don't lie....wahhh wahhh old Malli reps selling generics or hand me down drugs all these years...yawn..once a primary care rep , always one..." Go sample something or arrange for samples in the sampe closet " lmfao..or better yet ,your close to a doc..."Do you want samples...I need you to sign " wow grear close and sales call...

Hey fuckface - I am outside the palms waiting to see who shows up at 5:45. I want to know who the pussy is posting this shit. I want to know if you have balls.

youre funny. little does this idiot know, that some of us in rheum, work 1/3 the hours he did in device and make over 400k a year here. hahahahaha.

Suck on my sack! Why don't you tell JO that and what are you doing hiding anonymous on linkedin? You pussy. If you have a problem then just fucking leave as Mallinckrodt is a good place but it is suffering because of you loser

Thanks Tim Missy for your post #19.

Hey - if this is really something this Tim Missy would say, then kudos to him for having the fucking balls to level set his organization on what they should be focusing their attention on while at meetings. If a Vp is allowing their turd-eating whiners to bitch about gifts, hotels, and food then no fucking wonder their business is having trouble?!?! A true leader isn't distracted by that minutiae...focus on your business and how to improve it.

Thanks Tim Missy for your post #19.

Screw you!! You know nothing and you should just leave our company and stop complaining. We have many people work their asses off to put this meeting together for us. I don't want to put names here but can't you just give them some recognition. Instead of ripping on Tim. Tim really screwed up but I think the kid is learning. Other than that we have a great team except for you loser so leave!!

This company is a bunch of whiney, bitching, self entitled fucking never has beens that think they are just gods gift to fucking pharmaceutical sales. Ive never in my life heard such nonsense. Yes I am new to pharma sales that because I spent 18 years in the big leagues (medical device sales for you pharma pussies) and came here to semi-retire. I've honestly never heard such belly aching whiney little bitches ever in my life. You hard-ons wouldn't last 2 months in device, so be proud of where you've wound up with you life. You are career minor leaguers. Oh and go and tell me how much better pharma is from device. My best year in device I made 475k, I averaged 300K+ a year for 18 years. Now, lets all go pick up panera and make sure you ask them to include paper goods because you know we look stupid when we have salads and sandwiches and no paper plates. This job is a fucking joke

Get off your soapbox and grow up you fucking little idiot. Our culture at Questcor was great and has been destroyed here at Mallinckrodt and there is no reason to go backwards in your career. There will be a large number of people quitting wishing the next two months which is exactly what Mallinckrodt has wanted from the beginning.
You don't think we have a right to be angry? They treat us like children here and the environment is toxic.

Get off your soapbox and grow up you fucking little idiot. Our culture at Questcor was great and has been destroyed here at Mallinckrodt and there is no reason to go backwards in your career. There will be a large number of people quitting wishing the next two months which is exactly what Mallinckrodt has wanted from the beginning.
You don't think we have a right to be angry? They treat us like children here and the environment is toxic.

Im sure it was all roses and green grass over at Questcor but your not there anymore so get over it. Yes you have a right to be mad because Mallinckrodt has done nothing but fuck over everyone that comes in contact with them. However, you don't have to right to think that anyone owes you anything. Wahhh I deserve a new jacket, wahh I want, I deserve, I want, I deserve. You all sound like whiney little bitches. You don't like it then take your 15+ years of mediocre sales and get a new fucking job. The problem is that nobody will hire you and you are stuck here. I've been hearing for 9+ months now about how everyone has such great opportunities and they are just waiting for the right opportunity to come along, 9 fucking months. Guess what, that 60k/yr primary care job you turned down last July was your opportunity to leave and you blew it.

Im sure it was all roses and green grass over at Questcor but your not there anymore so get over it. Yes you have a right to be mad because Mallinckrodt has done nothing but fuck over everyone that comes in contact with them. However, you don't have to right to think that anyone owes you anything. Wahhh I deserve a new jacket, wahh I want, I deserve, I want, I deserve. You all sound like whiney little bitches. You don't like it then take your 15+ years of mediocre sales and get a new fucking job. The problem is that nobody will hire you and you are stuck here. I've been hearing for 9+ months now about how everyone has such great opportunities and they are just waiting for the right opportunity to come along, 9 fucking months. Guess what, that 60k/yr primary care job you turned down last July was your opportunity to leave and you blew it.

and I went backward in my career because I needed benefits and why not collect a 6 figure salary to pretty much do nothing. If I was able to apply for medicare I would've just retired but since I'm 45 and I have 20 more years before I can do that I might as well work 3 days a week from 10-2 and collect my money. Not only are you a career minor leaguer but you're an idiot to top it off.

Get off your soapbox and grow up you fucking little idiot. Our culture at Questcor was great and has been destroyed here at Mallinckrodt and there is no reason to go backwards in your career. There will be a large number of people quitting wishing the next two months which is exactly what Mallinckrodt has wanted from the beginning.
You don't think we have a right to be angry? They treat us like children here and the environment is toxic.

The reason they treat you like children is because some of you ACT like children. Bitching and whining over the stupidest shit......hotel brands, food selections, the type of FREE gifts you're given. What do you expect?? Trust me we are counting down the days that you bunch of pssies 'quit wishing' and just get the fuck the people who want to be here can work together in peace.

The reason they treat you like children is because some of you ACT like children. Bitching and whining over the stupidest shit......hotel brands, food selections, the type of FREE gifts you're given. What do you expect?? Trust me we are counting down the days that you bunch of pssies 'quit wishing' and just get the fuck the people who want to be here can work together in peace.

These questcor misfits really make me laugh. MNK bought one of the ugliest sales forces in the industry. That Gaylord palms was full of Acthar sales reps that were definitely hit with the ugly stick. And did you see them eat. They love free shit!!! Disgusting.