
He is a total micromanager but knows how to sell as he took the company from $0 to $40-$50M in revenue. Big return for the early investors and most employees at the manager level and above have options that will be worth something if the deal closes. I would rather be an investor than an employee but that is another story.

Why can't you just keep your head in the sand and do what we tell you!!

We know better than you, and we have been at it a long time.

Our tissue is very "special" because we told you so

Now go out and sell it or we will find someone who will.

What, you entitled to a paycheck? Yep, go sell something or they will find someone that will. You are only worth what you sell, they don't hire you for your good looks.

Do you really think for one minute Novadaq or Baxter would pick you low ball tei reps up
Don't judge the reps at either company. Most came from professional companies with professional leadership to these 2 leaderless nightmares. This is a case of 2 desperate CEO's finding the only other clueless person on earth to do business with them. 2 great products and reps who want to do their best at both companies. Both CEO are guessing on a daily basis.

Uh, TEI has crappy management. You must work at novadaq cuz there are no senior people except a lunatic CEO, there are some hard working folks at Elkins but waltham has humps like the HR guy executive management consultant wannabe VP of sales add another title here and the desperate ab wall trainer who pretends that he is the nat'l director of sales whenever the lunatic is out of earshot. Yup, real quality. Where is manufacturing going? this is bs, the whole thing is going to novadaq. Why would anyone want Surgimend w/o Primatrix especially a co that has wound care it doesn't add up

TEI Medical is the CEOs safety net. He won't give up Primatrix.

He is a total micromanager but knows how to sell as he took the company from $0 to $40-$50M in revenue. Big return for the early investors and most employees at the manager level and above have options that will be worth something if the deal closes. I would rather be an investor than an employee but that is another story.

If he had a clue it would be a$500 mil in revenue

Fess up on here and tell HR, who is probably monitoring this board, that someone has an inside mole at TEI. It is so pathetic because you were both fired a long time ago that you try to hurt TEI. I hope TEI takes this board down as the rumors that have been getting leaked are disgusting. And you know who you are as your names rhyme with Lonna and initials represent the other name.

I am sure all the losers will now get on here and blast this post, yet we could care less as I won't get on this board again, as it is a waste of a competent person's time, unless you like soap operas.

I hope TEI does find out about the two of you who are bragging about their inside mole and leaking information on this board and to others.

It would be wise to know that people are onto both of you.

Put them on plan and increase the "ride alongs".

Nuff Said

You clearly do not work for TEI. However, that's an innovative and brilliant idea...plans and ride along increases. Why hasn't anyone ever thought of that before? You should share that idea with every company because I'm sure that hasn't even been considered as a thought. Please continue to share your unique ideas.

Would the losers who were let go from TEI and now exist at a another company that has more layoffs than sales reps, please keep off this board. Obviously, you are doing what you do best, not working and running your mouth, which is what got you into trouble at TEI. These posters if you do work at TEI should be ashamed of yourself...embarrassing to say the least.

There are many very successful reps at TEI who came from successful medical device jobs prior to TEI. There are many happy people...truly there aren't a ton of people that have left on their own accord.

And for the posters who are reading this ridiculousness, the CEO won the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year in 2011 New England Award, so I guess he isn't very smart or ambitious..hmmm.

I cannot believe I even wasted a few minutes of my time to read these ridiculous posts. Some of us reps do not have time to post on Cafepharma all day.

Remember that karma is a b^&**tcch and misery loves company, so I guess those who spew this ugliness will remain forever swimming in their pot of Negative Stew.

Keep it Classy.
Don't forget that E&Y award was because on of his bffs from harvardxheads the Commitee. It meant nothing and was for show only

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