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"April Asshole of the Month" Award

He gave no advice so you’re obviously the idiot! :p:D
Perpetual victim President Pine-Sol who blames everyone - China, his campaign manager, the media, governors, and did I mention his campaign manager? - will lose the election. America is finally fed up with him. The Manson girl idiot born loser in life demographic like you is not enough to re-elect him.

This prestigious award is bestowed upon all of you who have voted, supported, or will vote for Donnie Trump. Borat could list hundreds of reasons here, but the latest one tops it all:


I hope those of you that received this award are really proud of your intelligence and stupidity.
Let me just say this: THE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT AMERICA!!!

And please vote responsibly next November 3rd!!! 3 years of incompetence has been enough!!

And YOU were a very close second.

Perpetual victim President Pine-Sol who blames everyone - China, his campaign manager, the media, governors, and did I mention his campaign manager? - will lose the election. America is finally fed up with him. The Manson girl idiot born loser in life demographic like you is not enough to re-elect him.
Oh, lookie! He’s so clever with his little put downs!
Fool! It still doesn’t change the FACT that Trump never suggested that. You lose!

This prestigious award is bestowed upon all of you who have voted, supported, or will vote for Donnie Trump. Borat could list hundreds of reasons here, but the latest one tops it all:


I hope those of you that received this award are really proud of your intelligence and stupidity.
Let me just say this: THE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT AMERICA!!!

And please vote responsibly next November 3rd!!! 3 years of incompetence has been enough!!
The ones that would vote for IT again are the biggest A$$wholes. But to vote for $rump because he was the lesser of two evils' was laughable. Man these working days are long