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"April Asshole of the Month" Award

You got me. Your intellect is no match for me. Since there are no more plantation owners there can be no more rednecks. The rest of your logic is obviously more than my meager brain can absorb.
You win and I must be a racist. Seems to be everyone’s answer to a losing argument: just call someone a racist and run away.

You don’t know what you’re talking about! Rednecks are not plantation owners or their overseers. :rolleyes:

Redneck term - slang use to describe dirty, poor, uneducated, RACIST white men mostly from the south, if you are not racist, dirty, uneducated, why would want to be referred to as a redneck. What, because you are poor and white does not mean you have to be rest.:rolleyes:

You got me. Your intellect is no match for me. Since there are no more plantation owners there can be no more rednecks. The rest of your logic is obviously more than my meager brain can absorb.
You win and I must be a racist. Seems to be everyone’s answer to a losing argument: just call someone a racist and run away.

That is the what term means through, why you consider your self one, just because you like to wear cowboy boots, or like to do stuff outside, or live in the country or whatever, you got be a redneck. That's just like saying just because a person likes rap music, like to dress a certain way they got be a thug, or because someone's likes heavy metal music, and wears black they got be a devil worshiper. So dumb. BTW running away from what?

That is the what term means through, why you consider your self one, just because you like to wear cowboy boots, or like to do stuff outside, or live in the country or whatever, you got be a redneck. That's just like saying just because a person likes rap music, like to dress a certain way they got be a thug, or because someone's likes heavy metal music, and wears black they got be a devil worshiper. So dumb. BTW running away from what?
Your responses are tiresome and your arguments are not a challenge to me. It’s like playing chess with my granddaughter. Sometimes I let her win a few pieces but you’re not worth the trouble because, unlike her, you aren’t trying to learn anything.
Your rap and country music examples and your use of grammar are actually making my point for me regarding Trump supporters. It’s like the high intellects like “Dr”.Phil Fox News brings on to discuss a pandemic....
...Wait a minute...I see what you’re doing! You’re using SARCASM! Of course. It is I who has been played in your intellectual game of chess!
Well played and touché!

When those pathetic losers wearing Trump/MAGA demonstrating for re-opening businesses (and clearly not taking this virus seriously) get infected they need to be denied care. That goes double for those idiot pastors holding church services and defying state orders.

Redneck term - slang use to describe dirty, poor, uneducated, RACIST white men mostly from the south, if you are not racist, dirty, uneducated, why would want to be referred to as a redneck. What, because you are poor and white does not mean you have to be rest.:rolleyes:
Idiot, racism is not part of the definition of redneck. You can’t even be honest.:rolleyes:

It’s like the ‘no big government intervention’ and ‘we don’t need the government running our lives with our taxes’ but as soon as the shit hits the fan, every one of these undercapitalized or over leveraged people have their hands out. Don’t get me wrong-the US is doing the right this as they did in rescuing businesses in 2009. Just to paint everything as socialism.

Your responses are tiresome and your arguments are not a challenge to me. It’s like playing chess with my granddaughter. Sometimes I let her win a few pieces but you’re not worth the trouble because, unlike her, you aren’t trying to learn anything.
Your rap and country music examples and your use of grammar are actually making my point for me regarding Trump supporters. It’s like the high intellects like “Dr”.Phil Fox News brings on to discuss a pandemic....
...Wait a minute...I see what you’re doing! You’re using SARCASM! Of course. It is I who has been played in your intellectual game of chess!
Well played and touché!

First my responses are tiresome to you because you know I'am right, and your too much of a putz to admitted that you are wrong. Secondly your grand daughter probably has better sense than you do,what is she four? Third wtf are you talking about? Last what do you have to teach? How to be crazy?

It’s like the ‘no big government intervention’ and ‘we don’t need the government running our lives with our taxes’ but as soon as the shit hits the fan, every one of these undercapitalized or over leveraged people have their hands out. Don’t get me wrong-the US is doing the right this as they did in rescuing businesses in 2009. Just to paint everything as socialism.
Shallow and unsophisticated analysis of the situation but we can’t expect better from you.

You provide an answer first and then you’ll have the privilege of asking a question.
Whatever, you just can't face the fact the that your Great Orange Hope president is a moron, and always has been. Google it smarts like you don't know that.:rolleyes::rolleyes: People love pretending to be dumb or just being dumb. Don't think playing dumb is so fun now.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Whatever, you just can't face the fact the that your Great Orange Hope president is a moron, and always has been. Google it smarts like you don't know that.:rolleyes::rolleyes: People love pretending to be dumb or just being dumb. Don't think playing dumb is so fun now.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Because it’s not a fact. What a fact is that you’re a total idiot.