Anyone taking the job if it were offered to them?

How did you get the news - by manager or recruiter? E-mail or phone? I'm still waiting to hear......

manager by phone...either didn't get to calling you yet or waiting for other candidate to accept/decline the offer would be my guess. I was told that they made the offer to the other candidate on Wednesday and it wasn't accepted till yesterday...that is when I got my call...Good luck.

I won't. After long consideration, the hiring strategy just does not make sense. I have worked for several start ups and when they hire this may people at launch, they ALWAYS end up laying a large percentage of them off very quickly. Once the drug launches, the company starts spending money faster than they can make it and when wall street puts on the pressure, the quickest fix is to streamline the sales force. Make no mistake, this is an orphan drug. They do not need 85 reps anyway. Truth be told, they probably know that and are just testing the waters to see how well/quickly the drug is received in areas. Anyone who has launched a drug knows that there are certain areas where the physicians tend to be "early adopters" and certain areas where they will wait to see what their colleagues do first and that it is effective and safe.

I also caution those who have kids- once they decide they need to streamline the sales force, you will be the ones with targets on your heads. Your territories will double or triple in size and your RSM knows that you will be miserable when you're forced to do 3-5 overnights a week.

I know the money is tempting, but look at it as though that $85-100k is your total comp. If you have worked for a start up you know that they always expect much higher revenues than are realistic and therefore the goals they set are not attainable, so if you're looking for that "$36k at plan" or even the much higher bonus possibilities you saw in the interview, you are dreaming. Look at some of the other start up boards here, they were promised the same and are on track to make $300 this quarter. LOL. If you look at it from that perspective, your total comp is a little below average and you will be working twice as hard as you would for any other company making that kind of money, with the very real possibility that your position will be gone in six months or less and you will be going through this all over again.

your post is spot on , i know two people who recently went with start ups , on in sleep and the other for neurology. The sleep company could not pay for the sales force after 14 months and laid off most of it. The other guy with the neurology compnay has been put on warning after only 9 months at the company. The reps have zero budget, and the compnay spents 3 times what it eanrs. maybe has another 3 months there. good luck and think it about what you will have to do in 15 months if the durg does not pan out

your post is spot on , i know two people who recently went with start ups , on in sleep and the other for neurology. The sleep company could not pay for the sales force after 14 months and laid off most of it. The other guy with the neurology compnay has been put on warning after only 9 months at the company. The reps have zero budget, and the compnay spents 3 times what it eanrs. maybe has another 3 months there. good luck and think it about what you will have to do in 15 months if the durg does not pan out

you must be speaking about's a disaster.

If a recruiter or management from Chelsea reads this can you please update us on the truth about offers. Has anyone received a contingent offer yet? If so when will the people who were not selected receive more information?

manager by phone...either didn't get to calling you yet or waiting for other candidate to accept/decline the offer would be my guess. I was told that they made the offer to the other candidate on Wednesday and it wasn't accepted till yesterday...that is when I got my call...Good luck.

were these for philly or dallas openings?

I am not lying, misleading anyone...I did get a call on Friday telling me that they moved forward with the other candidate for the territory I was interviewing. I interviewed in Philly...some if not all offers for those who interviewed in Philly have been made! Despite all of the negative posts, I did want the job...I am currently employed but wanted to make a move...While I agree with most posts about the very risky opportunity Chelsea is, I think it is a good gamble...for what it is worth.

I am not lying, misleading anyone...I did get a call on Friday telling me that they moved forward with the other candidate for the territory I was interviewing. I interviewed in Philly...some if not all offers for those who interviewed in Philly have been made! Despite all of the negative posts, I did want the job...I am currently employed but wanted to make a move...While I agree with most posts about the very risky opportunity Chelsea is, I think it is a good gamble...for what it is worth.

Sorry, you didn't get the job, at least you have a job, I'm currently unemployed. Roughly what area of the country i.e. district is the territory you applied for? I'm still waiting to hear either way. Thanks and good luck.

Sorry, you didn't get the job, at least you have a job, I'm currently unemployed. Roughly what area of the country i.e. district is the territory you applied for? I'm still waiting to hear either way. Thanks and good luck.

I am in the Northeast...good thing for you is that if you heard nothing, you still have a chance. Best of luck to you....

I interviewed in Dallas last week. I was told by the recuriter before the interview and the hiring manager at the interview that offers will not go out until the following week late. So based on that, Phili offers went out last thursday the 15th. Dallas offers will go out Thursday the 22nd and so on. There is your info.
As for my read on the whole deal, I fell as though they are going to shoot the moon to make this a successful product. They were very up front that the bottom reps will make ZERO which in a start up is okay. I felt they were very honest. I have two other companies I am in final interviews for and based on what I saw in Dallas and the pre interview research I did, Chelsea would be my #2. Still a little skiddish on the startup. If it fails we all will be done in 2 years or less. Even the national sales manager said in his presentation that orphan launches that don't hit initial numbers fail within 2 years. In this economy, doesn't seem worth the risk unless you have nothing.

I interviewed in Dallas last week. I was told by the recuriter before the interview and the hiring manager at the interview that offers will not go out until the following week late. So based on that, Phili offers went out last thursday the 15th. Dallas offers will go out Thursday the 22nd and so on. There is your info.
As for my read on the whole deal, I fell as though they are going to shoot the moon to make this a successful product. They were very up front that the bottom reps will make ZERO which in a start up is okay. I felt they were very honest. I have two other companies I am in final interviews for and based on what I saw in Dallas and the pre interview research I did, Chelsea would be my #2. Still a little skiddish on the startup. If it fails we all will be done in 2 years or less. Even the national sales manager said in his presentation that orphan launches that don't hit initial numbers fail within 2 years. In this economy, doesn't seem worth the risk unless you have nothing.

Thanks for the pearls, now I can turn in.

I interviewed in Dallas last week. I was told by the recuriter before the interview and the hiring manager at the interview that offers will not go out until the following week late. So based on that, Phili offers went out last thursday the 15th. Dallas offers will go out Thursday the 22nd and so on. There is your info.
As for my read on the whole deal, I fell as though they are going to shoot the moon to make this a successful product. They were very up front that the bottom reps will make ZERO which in a start up is okay. I felt they were very honest. I have two other companies I am in final interviews for and based on what I saw in Dallas and the pre interview research I did, Chelsea would be my #2. Still a little skiddish on the startup. If it fails we all will be done in 2 years or less. Even the national sales manager said in his presentation that orphan launches that don't hit initial numbers fail within 2 years. In this economy, doesn't seem worth the risk unless you have nothing.

Thanks for your insight. I think bottom reps in any company will make zero anyways. If you understand the need for this product, it will be okay. If not, you won't be able to sell it. Good luck!

wow, first I was told I was the best candidate. Next, I'm told they are not making me an offer. Sad thing is I feel quite relieved since I had planned on only staying two months until the start date for my device position.... good luck to the rest. still don't think drug will get the approval with such little data.

I'm curious as well. I didn't move forward after the 1st face to face but would have liked too. Why are people backing out?

I chose to not move forward because it looks like a primary care sale, i.e. samples, call reporting, etc. and the money wasn't there so it would not be advancing my career forward. I guess if you're miserable where you are it's worth the risk.

wow, first I was told I was the best candidate. Next, I'm told they are not making me an offer. Sad thing is I feel quite relieved since I had planned on only staying two months until the start date for my device position.... good luck to the rest. still don't think drug will get the approval with such little data.

You really make yourself sound like a class act... First you say you were going to take the job from someone else until your other job starts... but then because you didn't get an offer you say you don't think it will get approved?? So how were you only going to stay for two months if it didn't get approved? Think before you speak. Good luck with your "device" job.