Anyone on a PIP for poor Entresto sales?

I can't imagine a mature adult whining and crying over not winning a contest. So much so that they would call a winning representative stupid. Lisa B has a proven sales record with multiple wins across various disease states. You really want to sit on a beach with the current leadership team any way? RRR? NNTT? get a hold of yourself! We are sales people. It takes a whole lot more than that to get a doc writing Entresto. Channel your anger towards your own failures and figure your geography out. Leverage your clinical knowledge, relationships and sales ability. Quit whining about other geographies success and make your own. Groom a speaker. Peer to peer sell. No one said it was going to be easy. Quit making excuses for your own shortcomings. Truth is once you get a doc writing, that's when the real work begins. Maybe if that ever happens in your geography you can take some tips from her on how to handle all of the prior authorization and pharmacy issues you'll have to take care of to make sure all of the prescriptions get filled! Good luck!

I can't imagine a mature adult whining and crying over not winning a contest. So much so that they would call a winning representative stupid. Lisa B has a proven sales record with multiple wins across various disease states. You really want to sit on a beach with the current leadership team any way? RRR? NNTT? get a hold of yourself! We are sales people. It takes a whole lot more than that to get a doc writing Entresto. Channel your anger towards your own failures and figure your geography out. Leverage your clinical knowledge, relationships and sales ability. Quit whining about other geographies success and make your own. Groom a speaker. Peer to peer sell. No one said it was going to be easy. Quit making excuses for your own shortcomings. Truth is once you get a doc writing, that's when the real work begins. Maybe if that ever happens in your geography you can take some tips from her on how to handle all of the prior authorization and pharmacy issues you'll have to take care of to make sure all of the prescriptions get filled! Good luck!
I can't imagine a mature adult in managment crafted a moronic contest for grade school kids to sell the 58th permutation of diovan & continue to bribe speakers for this DOA crappy med doing worse than crappy tekturna ever did. If you could believe it.

anonymous said:
How can this company blame sales for a crappy drug? PIP the leaders that miscalculated yet another launch


Being PIPed bc the company ridiculously over forecasted, refused to negotiate w managed care, and refused to price product competitively. Based launch on the wrong drug (second to market, not first.) Doesnt take a genius to figure it out.


Being PIPed bc the company ridiculously over forecasted, refused to negotiate w managed care, and refused to price product competitively. Based launch on the wrong drug (second to market, not first.) Doesnt take a genius to figure it out.
everybody that sells this product is on a PIP. Get a clue. Massive launch failure.

Yes the PIPS are out. If any of you is on the bottom 10% per December and January ICR reports, you are going to get a PIP. The same goes for the ABLs.

Well ... Because the people that were on the bottom in decber and January are now at the top bc their goals were lowered ... I find the PIP thing hard to believe... But what do I know

Yes bottom 10% officially on PIPs. And before someone says we're all on PIPs, yes, everyone is under pressure and very few are actually doing well. However, those of us on PIPs will be tortured and possibly let go.

Yes the PIPS are out. If any of you is on the bottom 10% per December and January ICR reports, you are going to get a PIP. The same goes for the ABLs.

Not true. Was in top 1/3 through March. Started to fall in April and am now at the bottom and PIPed. The ranking they are using to PIP me are "projected" rankings, not even based on actual YTD ranking.